Problems of the modern textbook 2024-01-22T11:19:08+02:00 Катерина Ладоня Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Dear readers!<br /></strong>The collection of materials for the third in this year issue of the journal is continuing 29(2022).<br />Materials can be submitted on the website, or by sending files to the e-mail address of the journal <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>We offer to get acquainted with the current issue.</strong></p> Textbook and Students’ project-Research Activities 2024-01-12T11:22:55+02:00 Ion Akiri <p>The article highlights the role of the school textbook in the formation and development of students' project-research competence. Proanalyzed personalities of Moldova in the context of the implementation of competence training and determined the direction of improvement of the textbook. Focused attention on the important features of the school textbook as a whole and in the real-life processes of modern didactic technologies. The need to introduce tools to support students' project-research activities into textbooks for all school subjects is substantiated, and the didactic possibilities of such headings "Exploring and learning", "Investigate", "Project" in the context of organizing and conducting students' project-research activities are illustrated. The didactic value of the project-research activity from the standpoint of the subjects of the educational process (students of teacher education) was determined.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Competence Potential of the Content of School Mathematics Textbooks 2024-01-12T11:31:22+02:00 Mykhailo Burda <p>One of the tasks of teaching mathematics is to develop the ability to learn, to acquire knowledge independently, to apply mathematics both in the study of other subjects and in real life situations. It is substantiated that in order to develop these skills, the content of a textbook should ensure that students master not only mathematical knowledge, but also general methods and techniques of mental activity (analysis, synthesis, analysis through synthesis, proof from the opposite, giving counterexamples, analogy, summarizing and deriving consequences, etc.), which will allow them to master the educational material more thoroughly and strengthen its applied orientation. It has been found that solving mathematical and practical problems, studying problem situations using mathematical methods and techniques requires students to master the relevant indicative foundations of activity or guidelines. They can be in the form of: advice, guidelines, instructions, algorithmic prescriptions, heuristic schemes, and heuristic plans (solving individual tasks or tasks of certain types, studying concepts and properties, phenomena and laws, making observations, performing experiments and projects). It is recommended that the content of the textbook provide for students’ independent compilation of guideline rules, which includes the following steps: selecting a group of tasks, establishing the task operator and the knowledge on which they can be solved; understanding how to solve a group of tasks using several task models (the solution of which includes operations inherent in this method of activity), selecting the necessary operations and their separate consolidation and generalization; determining the rational sequence of operations and compiling a guideline rule based on them; establishing methodological approaches to the formation of general methods and techniques that will contribute to the acquisition of mathematical and other key competencies are proposed.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovative Potential of Modern Literacy Teaching Textbook 2024-01-12T11:43:59+02:00 Oksana Vashulenko <p>The issue of developing innovative educational textbooks that promote the formation of subject-specific and key competencies in younger students is addressed in the article. Didactic and methodological research in the field of Ukrainian textbook development for primary schools is analyzed. The goals of the educational book in the context of implementing a competency-based approach in the educational process are defined. The functions of a literacy teaching textbook in a competency-oriented learning environment, requirements for its content, structural components, and methods of presenting educational materials are clarified. The attention is focused on constructing a modern, innovative literacy teaching textbook for 1st-grade students in general education institutions. The possibilities of modernizing the educational textbook through updating its structure and implementing innovative literacy teaching technologies are considered. One of the innovations is the creation of a teaching textbook that combines the functions of a handbook and a workbook. The features of the updated structure and methodological tools of the new literacy teaching textbook for the 1st grade of general education institutions are presented, its potential in developing full reading and writing skills in contemporary first-graders is outlined. The attention is focused on the issue of continuity of preschool and primary education, and the possibilities of the new teaching textbook in providing a differentiated approach to literacy teaching to develop reading skills are considered. The conclusion is reached that the creation of the innovative literacy teaching textbook based on an activity-oriented approach is an important task for the New Ukrainian School. A modern teaching textbook should be designed based on updated psychological, didactic, and methodological principles of textbook development, and should represent knowledge and types of activities related to a specific subject according to the requirements of the educational program, taking into account the peculiarities of the subject (its dominant function) and the age-specific characteristics of the students.<br>In the analysis process, it is demonstrated that the methodological tools and illustrative content of the new literacy teaching textbook are developed on the basis of child-centeredness, which prioritize the interests, needs, and abilities of students. The content, structure, and methods of presenting educational material in the literacy teaching textbook are subordinated to the development of communicative and reading competencies in first graders, the development of their ability to communicate in the Ukrainian language for spiritual, cultural, and national self-expression, as well as for personal and social life, and in intercultural dialogue; enriching the emotional and sensory experience, and developing language-creative abilities.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ways of Implementing Practice-Oriented Geometry Teaching in Gymnasium According to the Stages of Learning Mathematical Concepts 2024-01-12T11:58:20+02:00 Victoriia Voloshena <p>The article attempts to reveal the problem of implementing the idea of practice-oriented teaching of geometry in gymnasium according to the stages of learning mathematical concepts. Practice-oriented teaching of geometry is considered as a tool that will be able to solve the problem of productive learning of students, and to motivate the students themselves to conscious assimilation of educational material. It is proposed to use a special approach to the study of mathematical concepts, based on the step-by-step mastering of the learning content with the introduction of a complex of practice-oriented educational materials, which include illustrative materials, tasks and exercises with various didactic functions according to the stages of introduction, assimilation and consolidation of the definitions of concepts and theorems. A number of methodological principles have been formulated that were taken into account when compiling a set of practice-oriented educational materials: accessibility, systematicity and consistency. Examples of such training are presented, in which the relationships between the stages of learning concepts and their applications by means of a complex of practice-oriented educational materials and applied mathematical skills of schoolchildren, selected according to the stages of the mathematical modeling method, are indicated. It is shown that mathematical modeling in practice-oriented mathematics teaching at school is the theoretical basis for the formation of applied mathematical skills of schoolchildren in accordance with the step-by-step training in the method of mathematical modeling. The binary role of practical applications of mathematics is emphasized, which consists, on the one hand, in teaching the use of mathematical apparatus to study and describe reality, and on the other, in helping to improve the quality of subject results.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Development of the Theory and Practice of the Textbook of Physics and Astronomy in the Scientific Heritage of Professor O.I. Buhaiov 2024-01-12T12:25:26+02:00 Mykola Holovko <p>The article analyzes the scientific heritage of Professor O. I. Buhaiov in the context of the formation and development of the domestic textbook of Physics and Astronomy for General Secondary Education Institutions. It is investigated that the problem of creating a new generation textbook occupies a prominent place in the legacy of an outstanding methodologist. It is proved that the sources of innovative approaches implemented by O. I. Buhaiov in the system of the first textbooks of Physics and Astronomy for the National School, there are fundamental studies of the problems of differentiation of training and the application of an integrated approach, the development of conceptual foundations for the development of the structure and content of school Physical education, the development of the idea of specialized training of applicants for General Secondary Education, the implementation of competence, personality-oriented and activity-based approaches in the organization of training in Physics and Astronomy. Attention is focused on the defining role of O. I. Buhaiov in the formation of electronic textbooks of Physics and Astronomy, the first pedagogical software tools and software and methodological complexes were created, which were developed for the first time in Ukraine under the guidance of a scientist and implemented in a wide educational practice. The prospects of scientific concepts and practical approaches developed by O. I. Buhaiov for the modernization of the structure and content of school Natural Science Education, the development of modern textbooks as a priority area of didactics of Physics and Astronomy are shown. The expediency of carrying out historical and methodological research of the multifaceted scientific, pedagogical and methodological activities of Professor О. I. Buhaiov at the level of dissertation research, introducing them into the scientific circulation of modern theory and methods of teaching Physics and Astronomy and introducing them into the practice of General Education and higher schools is determined. &nbsp;</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Principles of Building a System of Exercises and Tasks for the Formation of Foreign Language Communication Mechanisms 2024-01-12T12:33:14+02:00 Igor Goroshkin <p>The article updates the problem of determining the principles of building a system of exercises and tasks as a means of foreign language communication mechanisms. Based on the study, analysis and generalization of scientific studies, it was determined that the system of exercises and tasks is a hierarchically structured, didactically and methodically balanced sequence of exercises and tasks, developed taking into account the requirements of the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education, the model program for a foreign language, learning conditions, psychological characteristics of the students of the educational process, aimed at students’ motivated and conscious mastering of foreign language material, the formation of their ability to use a foreign language as an effective communication tool, a powerful means of learning about another culture and representing one’s own. The need to take into account the socio-cultural context of the system of exercises and tasks and compliance with the requirements of the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education is emphasized. In this case, the system becomes a powerful tool for achieving the goal of learning foreign languages, defined by the standard and the current model program. The principles of communicativeness, integrated learning of all types of speech activity and aspects of language, the dominant role of exercises, activity, clarity, systematicity, and sequence are characterized, and individual examples of exercises and tasks are given. It is noted that each exercise of the system should determine the activity of students, model it, combine language and non-language material, and ensure the activation of students’ vocabulary and the assimilation of new vocabulary and grammar in an intercultural context. To form students’ speech mechanisms, the exercises should combine interconnected learning of all types of speech activity. In this case, we can talk about their complex nature.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Скрайбінг як метод у візуалізації навчального матеріалу 2024-01-12T12:43:05+02:00 Antonina Danko <p>The article is devoted to determining the effectiveness of using scribbling technologies in the educational process as a method of visualizing educational material. The author analyzes scientific works that reveal effective pedagogical conditions for the intensive development of information technologies and large information flows and the formation of clip thinking in students, visualization that takes into account these cognitive features, promotes understanding, assimilation and memorization of educational material, improves learning and communication skills, increases motivation to learn, and promotes the development of critical thinking. The types of scribbling and possible options for their use are studied and analyzed. The types of scribbling are highlighted: painted, application, magnetic and many others. The technologies of using special programs or online services to create online scrapbooking are emphasized: computer, animation, video scrapbooking. The author emphasizes scrapbooking facilitation, which involves the transfer of information from verbal to visual form. It is proved that since the conditions in which we work, live and study are very complex, everything that can at least somehow facilitate our work is currently relevant.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Topical History: B. Hrinchenko and the Creation of Textbooks in Ukrainian 2024-01-12T12:51:10+02:00 Nataliia Dichek <p>The article reflects the author’s version of the disclosure of the contribution of the Ukrainian writer, teacher, educator, public figure Borys Hrinchenko (1963–1910) in the creation of abcbooks, textbooks for primary public schools in the Ukrainian language in the conditions of prohibitions by the imperial Russian authorities on the publication and distribution of Ukrainian-language scientific, educational, religious texts. <br>The purpose of the article is to highlight and analyze the B. Hrinchenko’s contribution (1881–1910) to primary education in the native language of Ukrainians. Objectives of the study: determining the socio-historical context of the problem of persecution of Ukrainians in Russian Empire in the XVIII–XIXth centuries; justification of the steps and stages in the creation of B. Hrinchenko’s Ukrainian-language educational books “Ukrainian Grammar for Teaching Reading and Writing” (1907), “Native Word” (1912); general didactic characteristics of these books; substantiation of the importance of constant updating in the national memory of the achievements of the best patriotic representatives as an important commemorative practice. <br>The theoretical bases of the study were: the theory of cultural memory as an image of the collective past, endowed with the function of identification (M. Halbwaks, 1952); the concept of national identity by E. Smith (Smith, 1998); approach to understanding history as a myth by J. Armstrong, 1992). In combination, these theoretical positions provide compelling reasons for viewing the past not as a stable given, but as a changing object, subject to interpretation, and also as an important factor in building a nation.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mechanisms of Forming the Experience of Reading in the French Language of Gymnasium Students: To the Question of Exercises and Tasks 2024-01-12T12:56:57+02:00 Fedir Dovbyshchenko <p>The article analyzes and compares the content of the pre-text exercises in the French language textbooks “Édito A2” and “French Language” for the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of Yu. Klymenko.<br>In the comparative analysis of pre-text exercises, the results of the survey of teachers of foreign languages of the National Education and Training Center of Ukraine, conducted in April 2023 by employees of the Department of Foreign Language Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, were taken into account, as well as the criteria for the construction of pre-text exercises in accordance with the model curriculum for foreign languages for grades 5–9. The main criteria that were taken into account when analyzing pretext exercises in French and Ukrainian textbooks were dialogicity, illustrativeness, preparing students for the level of text complexity, motivation, authenticity, quantization of information, individuality, promotion of cultural dialogue. The main shortcomings of the educational material, outlined by the teachers during the questionnaire, which testify to the insufficient implementation of the communicative approach to teaching foreign languages in the secondary schools of Ukraine, are briefly characterized: insufficient amount of educational material aimed at the formation of key competences of students, inconsistency of textbooks with the requirements of the competence approach, insufficient means of formation in students of 7th – 9th grades of intercultural foreign language communicative competence in various types of speech activity.<br>The textbooks selected as material for the article were analyzed from the point of view of compliance of the pre-text exercises available in them with the specified criteria. An insufficient level of compliance with the criteria for the selection of pre-text exercises in Ukrainian textbooks was revealed. It is caused by the lack of connection between the pre-text exercise and illustrative material with the specific topic of the lesson, insufficient attention to the personality of the student, a weak degree of dialogicity and clarification of culturally marked concepts and phenomena inherent in the French-speaking world. The article outlines the main directions in which pre-text exercises can be improved in the analyzed Ukrainian textbooks: strengthening the connection of pre-text material with the content of the texts, clarifying culturally marked phenomena, increasing the degree of dialogicity of pre-text exercises, appealing to the personality of the student, taking into account his/her age characteristics.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Activity Function of the Physics Textbook for Grade 7 of General Secondary Education Institutions 2024-01-12T13:05:44+02:00 Tetiana Zasiekina Dmytro Zasiekin <p>The article examines the transformations that textbooks have undergone their causes and consequences. The textbook in pedagogical science and practice is considered from two positions: as a textbook in which the content of a particular academic subject is implemented and as a learning tool that determines the teaching methodology due to its functions. Changes and updates in education are reflected in a certain way in teaching methods, and therefore in the transformation of textbook functions. At the same time, a number of functions remain invariant, which define the educational publication as a textbook. Variable functions arise and are transformed due to changes in education. We have identified and substantiated the main approaches to the design and development of the activity function of the physics textbook in the context of the implementation of the state policy in the field of reforming general secondary education i. e. “New Ukrainian School” and taking into account the formation of natural science literacy of students, which is checked by the international research PISA. The activity function of the Physics textbook for the 7th grade of general secondary education institutions is implemented through: a system of tasks, a new structure of the textbook; filling paragraphs with questions and conclusions of heroes-real students who participated in the testing of the textbook; modification of the number and quality of paragraphs that are designed to gain knowledge and skills by performing real experiments, searching for answers to problematic questions, active reading and working with illustrative material. The article presents the results of a study of the effectiveness of the activity function of a Physics textbook for the 7th grade.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Subject Partnership Interaction in the Implementation of State and Public Management of General Secondary Education Institutions as an Innovation 2024-01-12T15:04:03+02:00 Olena Onats <p>The article carries out a theoretical analysis of the essence of the definition “subject partnership interaction in the implementation of state-public management of general secondary education institutions” and reveals its specifics in the conditions of decentralization in regulatory and legal acts, scientific literature and publications. For the purpose of a detailed analysis of the essence of the definition “subject partnership interaction in the implementation of state-public management of the GSEI”, the essence of the definitions: “state-public management”, “interaction”, “partnership”, “partnership interaction”, “subject”, “subjectivity”, “subject-subject relations”, “subject partnership interaction”, “management subjects”; the author’s definition of the essence of the definition “subject partnership interaction in the implementation of state-public management of general secondary education institutions” is presented as a system of interdependent exchange of actions and at the same time an active non-stop process with a dynamic structure of direct or indirect mutual influence of the influence of subjects on each other in order to agree on the reasons for their directed actions and relationships for the implementation of joint coordinated activities and responsibilities. The specifics of subject partnership interaction in the implementation of state-public management of general secondary education institutions» are revealed, which consists in the fact that this is a special form of partnership and social interaction with equal autonomous subjects; this is a process on which both social partnership in education and state-public management of educational institutions based on the principles of subject partnership interaction are based; this is the coordinated activity of the subjects of the management process – partners; the foundation on which democratic governance is built, which needs new management; it is a process of various subject-subject mutually beneficial connections and relations, exchange of experience, thoughts, ideas, material and spiritual carriers of activity results, which must have feedback, in which it is reflected the ability of partners to determine the constructive goals of joint activity and achieve planned results; it is a management innovation, it is the highest form of interaction, a modernization mechanism.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Measurement of Mathematics Learning Loss in Elementary School Students by Means of the Eduten Platform 2024-01-12T15:12:37+02:00 Oksana Onopriienko <p>The article updates the problem of measuring loss and gaps in Ukrainian schoolchildren’s mastery of educational material under martial law. Challenges currently facing domestic education are outlined. The concepts of “learning loss” and “learning gap” are defined. The activity of scientists in supporting the activities of teachers and students in terms of providing a toolkit for determining learning loss of secondary education students and recommendations for overcoming them is characterized. The first experience of the participation of domestic teachers in the international project, within which the digital mathematical platform Eduten is implemented in educational practice, is presented. The platform makes it possible to assess in real time the actual educational capabilities of students in mathematics and to use the obtained results of analytics to help children overcome gaps in the development of specific mathematical abilities and skills. The publication shows how complex diagnostic tests were composed from the materials of the platform, and how the difficulty of the tasks was determined. The results of two stages of the study of learning loss in the formation of students’ mathematical abilities and skills are presented; it is mentioned about the use of the content of the platform to overcome the gaps in the assimilation of the program content. The positive dynamics of changes in the results of students of grades 1–4, who practiced performing tasks on the digital platform, were shown. Significant progress was noted in the achievements of students of the third and fourth grades, which disrupted the intended tendency to decrease of the level of mathematical abilities and skills with each subsequent grade; the thesis of the platform developers that Eduten’s automatic assessment and feedback mechanisms combined with gamification is particularly effective in helping students overcome learning difficulties has been confirmed. It was concluded that the factors that have a positive effect on overcoming learning loss of elementary schoolchildren include the objective determination of gaps in children’s knowledge and skills, purposeful, responsible and instrumentally provided activities of elementary school teachers.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Reflexive Position of the Teacher as a Factor of Educational Achievements of Primary School Students 2024-01-12T15:20:37+02:00 Tetiana Pavlova <p>The article substantiates the potential of the reflexive position of the teacher in diagnosing the educational achievements of students, which determines the quality of researching results and induces the impact on the resource provision of this process. <br>The semantics of the meanings of the key concept “reflexive position” in the scientific literature and researches of practice are summarized. The effectiveness of the methodology of organizing studies of educational achievements of primary school students in the interaction of participants in the educational process has been proven. The results of the students’ diagnostic works were analyzed with a focus on the final control from the integrated course “I Explore the World”. The reflexive position of teachers regarding participation in diagnostic activities was clarified, and their suggestions aimed at improving the methodological resource were systematized. <br>The works on the problem of teacher reflections as a component of professional activity is summarized. The content of the teacher’s reflective analysis of pedagogical situations is specified, which consists in understanding the context of both one’s own actions and other subjects of educational interaction. The conditions are characterized under which reflexive actions of the teacher are revealed, and the implementation of such conditions is ensured during the study of the effectiveness of educational achievements of primary schoolchildren. <br>For this purpose, a set of diagnostic tasks was developed to identify competencies at a certain stage of education. In the process of preparing the tasks for monitoring and evaluating the educational achievements of students in primary school, we focused on the requirements for the content of the tasks, the scope of the tasks for students, their types according to procedural characteristics (tests), the organization of diagnostic procedures, their duration, etc. The diagnostic tasks are coordinated with the program content of each of the topics of the integrated course “I Explore the World” in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard for Primary Education. Within each type, there are tasks that determine the reproductive level of performance (reproduction, recognition of the objects of study); as well as tasks aimed at students’ search activity, which involve combining information, methods of activity to obtain new knowledge (complement, add, etc.). The results of performing diagnostic tasks based on the results of the cycles of primary education are summarized; the students’ positive attitude towards the content of the tasks and the execution process was noted, namely: the students went beyond the limits of the answer regulated by the test, supplemented it with pictures. <br>The range of completed works shows the higher results of tasks, the solution of which required a connection with the life experience of children, the use of search actions. <br>The involvement of teachers in the reflexive analysis of the results of the educational achievements of primary school students proved the effectiveness of joint assessment of the process of research and the development of ways to overcome methodological problems.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Guidance in Teaching Oral Ukrainian Speech: Methodological Projection of New Approaches to Language Education 2024-01-12T15:42:35+02:00 Oksana Petruk <p>Rethinking the goals and results of education, and transforming the content of the Ukrainian language as a state language course led to a change in the methods and technologies of its mastery, and therefore to the emergence of modern teaching aids: textbooks and teaching aids that correspond to the updated paradigm of language education. One of the educational publications that ensures the effectiveness of the process of teaching oral Ukrainian speech to students who are representatives of national minorities is the Ukrainian language study guide for 1st grade with audio accompaniment. This is a new educational product that completely replaces the textbook and integrates the functions of the textbook and the workbook. Within the framework of the competitive selection announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the author created a manual for teaching oral Ukrainian speech for the 1st grade of general secondary education institutions with teaching in the Romanian language, which received the appropriate seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture and was chosen by teachers for use in the educational process. The article highlights the peculiarities of the construction of this study guide taking into account new approaches to language education. Attention is focused on the fact that the study guide is an innovative publication, created by the requirements of the State Standard of Primary Education and the curriculum, taking into account the goals and objectives of the oral practical course of the Ukrainian language, as well as oriented towards modern students who have certain abilities and psychophysiological features, formed due to a long stay in the digital space. The study guide has a clear communication direction, ensures the comprehensive development of oral communication skills, and takes into account the peculiarities of the student’s native language, life and educational experience. Thanks to the verified methodical apparatus, the training manual is suitable for use in the format of mixed training.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Textbook for the Integrated Course “Exploring History and Society” as a Method for Development of Critical Thinking in 6th and 5th Grade Students 2024-01-12T15:53:54+02:00 Olena Pometun Nestor Gupan <p>This article addresses the issue of designing a modern history textbook aimed at fostering the development of critical thinking in students. It is noted that the solution to this problem should consider existing approaches in contemporary methodology history for selecting and structuring educational content for 5–6 grade textbooks, types of student activities, corresponding cognitive tasks, and the organization of history lessons within the context of competency-based education. On the other hand, all aspects of implementing critical thinking development technology must be considered. The analysis and synthesis of experience in developing a textbook for the integrated course “Exploring History and Society” confirms that a competency-oriented concept of the textbook allows for the incorporation of critical thinking development technology into the textbook’s structure. The text defines the essence and basic components of the pedagogical technology for developing critical thinking. It characterizes the tools for fostering critical thinking in education used by teachers, including the formulation of questions of various types and levels by both teachers and students (and answers to them) regarding various sources of information: textual, visual, and verbal. Additionally, it describes students’ resolution of cognitive tasks aimed at achieving higher-level learning outcomes (analysis, synthesis, evaluation) and special methods/ strategies for developing critical thinking. The text explains how these tools work in the educational process and how their use can be projected into the textual and extra-textual elements of the textbook’s methodological apparatus. It is demonstrated that such implementation enriches the methodological apparatus of the textbook, enabling teachers to organize students’ active learning diversely and effectively, consciously monitor the growth of students’ critical thinking, and systematically enhance the quality of the educational process.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Some Special Features of the Modern Textbook for Educational Institutions in Rural Locations 2024-01-12T16:19:30+02:00 Tamara Pushkarova Mariia Koval-Maziuta Oleksandr Hrytsenkо <p>The decentralization of the education system carried out in Ukraine in recent years, to one degree or another, provides for the transfer of a number of powers and obligations in the field of organizing a high-quality and accessible educational process to the united territorial communities of rural areas with the need to fulfill essential conditions: 1) ensuring effective functioning local network of rural educational institutions in accordance with state standards and 2) approximation of the content and composition of the educational process in rural educational institutions to local values, traditions and preferences. Based on the previously presented judgments, it is correct to determine that the specific functions of a modern textbook for rural educational institutions should be tasks related to: didactic composition, multi-age perception and value coloring of the informational material of the textbook. The specified functions of the school textbook interact with each other and complement each other, and the extent, structure and form of providing cognitive material of the school book depends on their synergistic manifestation. Summarizing the above considerations, it should be recognized that a modern textbook for rural educational institutions should perform not only an informational and educational function, but also reproduce the value-spiritual and aesthetic-moral aspects of the education of students through the disclosure of the uniqueness of Ukraine as a truly European state, the stability and unity of the Ukrainian people, the uniqueness of the cultural and natural environment of the native region and social community. One of the appropriate techniques in reproducing the valuable component of a modern textbook can be the use in the structure of the textbook of specific tasks aimed at forming in students love for their native land, its brave and hardworking inhabitants, natural environment and cultural traditions.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Didactic and Methodological Concepts of Constructing the Content of Arabic Language Textbooks for Schools of Ukraine: From Work Experience 2024-01-12T17:02:27+02:00 Valerii Redko Olena Akhmad <p>In the article, the authors present and interpret the main didactic-methodical provisions of the concept of the content of arabic language textbooks for secondary schools. The ideas that served as the scientific and theoretical foundations for the creation of the concept were revealed and substantiated. One of the authors of the article is the author of the textbooks in question. The authors of the article argue that the formation of intercultural foreign language communicative competence as the leading paradigm of the development of modern school foreign language education is the goal aimed by the activity of students and the teacher as a moderator of the educational process, which is carried out with the support of the textbook. The principles of constructing the content of arabic language textbooks are presented and their relevance is substantiated. Theoretical provisions are accompanied by examples of educational materials from the content of textbooks for grades 1–11, created by the co-author of the article.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Axiological Approach: Implementation in the Content of the Educational Subject «basics of Jurisprudence» (Grade 9) 2024-01-12T17:10:02+02:00 Liliia Riabovol <p>The article analyzes the «Basics of Jurisprudence» program (2022) regarding the implementation of the axiological approach to understanding the essence and meaning of law and the state in the content of this educational subject. It was found that as a methodological tool of legal science, the axiological approach: involves the positioning of a person as an absolute value and the study of law and the state as institutions that are essential for meeting the needs and interests of a person; allows you to evaluate the law and the state in terms of compliance with the ideals of justice and universal values. It was established that the type of legal understanding is decisive for understanding the value of law and the state. As a result of the analysis of the study program «Basics of Jurisprudence» (2022) it was proved that the selection and construction of the content of the study is based on the natural-legal type of legal understanding and axiological and human-oriented approaches, so, a person is considered as the highest social value, and the law, the main source of which is justice, – as a phenomenon created and carried out by people to ensure their normal life activities. The implementation of these approaches in the content of the program focuses on the rights of the child and their protection, on the rights of minors as participants in various types of legal relations, and at the same time, questions regarding the interrelationship of rights and obligations and the responsibility of minors for illegal behavior are included. To reveal the valuable potential of Ukraine as a democratic, legal and social state, the program provides for the study of issues of democracy, the rule of law, the state’s obligations in the field of human rights, the social purpose of the state, etc.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Potential of the Textbook «exploring History and Society» in the Formation of Environmental Competence of Grade 6 Students 2024-01-12T18:03:53+02:00 Halyna Sierova <p>The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of environmental competence of secondary school students in the teaching of history and civic education in the lessons of the integrated course “Exploring History and Society”. The components of environmental competence as a key one are characterized, which are formed by means of various subjects and courses in the civic and historical educational field. The author defines them as a set of acquired knowledge, personal experience and emotional and value orientations of students, which are based on understanding the relationships between the natural and human environment, its changes in the conditions of social development, the impact of human activity on the environment in time and space, development and transformation of nature in the past and present by a person (cognitive component); the student’s ability to evaluate his/her own actions in nature and solve life situations with orientation to the principles of sustainable development of society; the ability to act responsibly, to participate in public and social life concerning the solving of environmental problems (activity component); to use the experience of history for self-knowledge and the achievement of the goals of sustainable development of society, the ability to assess the impact of an individual’s behavior on his/her immediate environment, the local community, Ukraine and the world, in particular the environment (motivational and value component). The didactic-methodological characteristics of the model curriculum of the integrated course “Exploring History and Society” (grades 5–6) are outlined in terms of opportunities for students to master interdisciplinary knowledge, skills and attitudes as components of environmental competence. The methodological potential of the textbook of the integrated course “Exploring History and Society “ in the formation of environmental competence of 6th grade students in the context of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School and the requirements of the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education is revealed. It was determined that sixth-graders’ assimilation of the main concepts and ideas of the educational content is ensured through a system of competence-oriented cognitive tasks of a research and search nature of varying degrees of complexity. The implementation of such tasks in the textbook is provided by the use of active learning technologies. The content of the tasks makes it possible to use them in a differentiated way, to organize the independent work of students, and to achieve the expected learning outcomes.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 «Foreign Literature. Grades 7–9» Basic Subject Course of School Language and Literature Education 2024-01-12T18:49:34+02:00 Valentyna Sniehirova <p>basic cycle) from the point of view of the implementation of modern educational normative documents. The novelty of the proposed program lies in the fact that its authors significantly updated the “golden classics” with works for children and youth, and also offered powerful modern teenage reading content to be chosen by the teacher and students. At the core of the program concept there are integrated methods of the activity approach, such as learning based on children’s requests, learning through discovery and Montessori pedagogy, which can positively influence the formation of reading interests, comprehensive skills and key competencies of students. The list of works is determined by the interests of schoolchildren and the task of enriching their life and reading experience. It contains folklore and the best works of foreign literature, which raise the eternal problems of good and evil, love and compassion, dignity and humanity, beauty in nature and human life. In the annotations to the studied topics, emphasis is placed on the questions and searches relevant to the modern reader, which make it possible to interpret the work of art in the context of today. Annotations to the works are arranged so that the teacher can correctly determine the most appropriate method of their processing. At the stage of basic subject learning of foreign literature, work continues on the formation and development of the key competencies, among which a significant place is given to reading competence. Pupils will master reading as a means of realizing their future plans: continuing education and self-education, conscious planning of their current and prospective reading circle, including reading for leisure, preparation for professional education.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Implementation of Stem Technologies Through Textbooks 2024-01-12T18:57:11+02:00 Mariia Tyshkovets <p>The article actualizes the problem of implementing STEM technologies in institutions of general secondary education by means of textbooks. STEM (acronym of the terms “Science (Natural Sciences)”, “Technology”, “Engineering” and “Mathematics” are considered in the context of educational policy in many countries of the world as an approach to organizing the learning process, so that applicants for education master the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve success in the fields of Science, Technology and Engineering and acquire cognitive, creative and research skills, communication skills, information processing, data interpretation and analysis, develop engineering and algorithmic thinking and digital literacy, creative qualities and innovation. There can be at least two models for implementing STEM in the general secondary education system: the introduction of a separate STEM subject or the integration of STEM technologies into STEM component subjects. The article examines the possibility of implementing STEM technology by means of textbooks in individual subjects. The textbook implements STEM technologies if the training according to the textbook is based on problem solving – move from solving practical and specific tasks to generalization; if the textbook contains tasks for working with arrays of information of an interdisciplinary nature – for designing and modeling devices or solutions for teamwork and open tasks in which there are “many” solutions and “correct” answers; instills interest in the subject-component of STEM. We analyzed the textbooks of the author’s teams of scientists of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine for grades 5–6 of general secondary education institutions and showed that STEM technologies can be implemented with their help.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Implementation of Stem Education and Modernization of the Ukrainian School Curriculum As Factors in Improving Students’ Scientific and Mathematical Literacy in the Context of Achieving Pisa Goals 2024-01-12T19:11:13+02:00 Oleh Topuzov Lyudmyla Kalinina Valentyn Rogoza <p>The article is based on the analysis of the PISA‑2022 results, an international study on the quality of education, focusing on the application of knowledge and skills in reading, mathematics, and science in real-life contexts among 15-year-old students. The findings of this study revealed a general decline in performance across all subject areas in most participating countries, including Ukraine. Ukraine, participating in PISA for the second time, demonstrated a decline in reading skills, science, and mathematics compared to the previous study in 2018. This research highlights the importance of reforming educational approaches, particularly through the implementation of STEM education, which can enhance the level of scientific and mathematical literacy.&nbsp; The work analyzes the trends in changes in the performance of Ukrainian students between the PISA 2018 and 2022 cycles, the reasons for the deterioration in the results of the development of students’ scientific and mathematical literacy based on the study “Ukrainian Textbooks on Natural Science and Mathematics Subjects in the Context of PISA Goals: Teachers’ Perspective”, and outlines directions for applying conceptual approaches to the implementation of STEM education and predicting manifestations of synergistic and allocative effects from their application.&nbsp; The article examines STEM as an innovative and integrative approach in education, combining science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and its potential in preparing students for future challenges in science and technology.&nbsp; It is proven that the implementation and development of STEM education in Ukraine will positively affect the improvement of scientific and mathematical literacy, and consequently, ensure equal access to quality education in the future. This is crucial for developing educational strategies aimed at enhancing the quality of scientific and mathematical education among the youth.&nbsp; The article sheds light on the critical role of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in improving scientific and mathematical literacy. It is argued that STEM can effectively address the issues identified in the PISA‑2022 results by enhancing critical thinking, creativity, and innovative potential among students. In particular, it can help students better understand natural phenomena, evaluate scientific research, and develop skills important for future careers in science and technology fields.&nbsp; The authors emphasize the need to develop scientific-methodological and educational support for STEM education, including integrating relevant content into textbooks and guides in natural science and mathematics subjects, and creating integrated courses. These assertions are based on the research findings among teachers in the study “Ukrainian Textbooks on Natural Science and Mathematics Subjects in the Context of PISA Goals”, conducted by experts from the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. The study aimed to analyze the content and apparatus of the modern textbook in terms of correlation with PISA tasks and achieving PISA goals.&nbsp; Nearly half (48.86% of the total sample) of the 4883 respondents expressed a desire to improve the quality of textbooks in mathematics and the natural science cycle by refining their content, the need to develop and present competency-based tasks of a research and practical nature in them, based on life situations similar to PISA tasks.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Formative Assessment of Professional Competencies of Future Geography Teachers 2024-01-12T20:44:10+02:00 Oleh Topuzov Liubov Vishnikina Liana Halushka <p>The article deals with modern trends in the modernization of control and assessment of educational achievements of future geography teachers, which contribute to increasing the motivation of their educational and cognitive activities and improving self-organization skills. It is established that the competency-based approach to the organization of the educational process includes determining the level and quality of professional competencies. The problem of finding new approaches to the assessment of educational activities and educational results of students is analyzed. It is proven that one of the ways to solve the outlined problem was the systematic implementation of formative assessment of educational achievements as a component of competency control technology. The concepts of “formative assessment”, “competency control”, “competency-oriented tasks” are explained and their place in the educational process is outlined. The model of the process of realization of formative assessment in higher education institutions, the algorithm for applying competency-oriented tasks, the structural components of the technology of competency control and formative assessment are presented. The work identifies and characterizes diagnostic, current-formative, self-assessment-formative, modular-formative, summative-normative and qualification types of assessment of students’ educational achievements. Based on the experience of implementing the technology of competency control and formative assessment, it was proven that it contributed to increasing the motivation and self-organization of students, allowed the teacher to diagnose and make positive changes to the educational process, and maintain feedback with students. Comparison of traditional assessment and the technology of competency control and formative assessment demonstrated its ability to comprehensively assess and determine the level of competency formation of future geography teachers. It was concluded that the introduction of this technology, on the one hand, enables teachers to ensure effective educational activities of students at a high level of motivation, self-organization and in accordance with their interests. On the other hand, it will contribute to the professional development of future geography teachers, who will teach students in the conditions of reforming national education.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Features of Diagnostic and Compensation of Losses in Education of Students by Means of Technology of Independent Acquisition of Knowledge Using Electronic Educational Applications 2024-01-12T21:00:31+02:00 Svitlana Trubacheva Oleksandr Prokhorenko Liudmyla Kalysh <p>The article is devoted to the problem of overcoming the educational losses of secondary school students in the aspect of insufficient ability to learn independently. The article emphasizes that one of the important areas of work to overcome educational losses is to increase the level of independence of educational activities of education seekers, their educational motivation, awareness and activity in the educational process through the development of their educational competence. It has been proven that the technology of students’ independent acquisition of knowledge is an effective means of solving this problem. The technology of independent acquisition of knowledge is characterized as: a set of methods, forms and means of pedagogical interaction of subjects of the educational process, the effectiveness of which is ensured by the combination at different stages of such teaching methods and digital education tools that activate the conceptual, practical and visual components of students’ thinking, which contributes to increasing the level of formation of their educational competence. The article reveals the features of its design and the possibility of its implementation both in the conditions of distance and offline learning. The use of remote platforms in the process of implementing this technology makes it possible to create conditions for the use of various forms of classes, types of activities and effective organization of control of students’ knowledge, abilities and skills; facilitate and improve the development of creative works. The main stages of designing the technology of independent acquisition of knowledge are: determining the structure of the educational competence of students; development of psychological and pedagogical support for diagnosing the level of its formation in students, their motivation and readiness for further development of this quality; determination of the content of educational material, necessary and sufficient for the development of the relevant structural components of educational competence; determination of methods and means of digital education for its formation and methods of reflection and evaluation of the obtained results. The analysis of the results of observations showed that the diversification of teaching methods, which are used in the process of implementing the technology of independent acquisition of knowledge by students in the conditions of distance learning, increases the quality of the results obtained by students during independent work, increases their activity and independence in learning.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A Textbook of Ukrainian Literature as a Means of Forming Reading Literacy of 5–6 Grade Students 2024-01-12T21:32:20+02:00 Tamila Yatsenko Olesіa Slyzhuk <p>The article analyses а system of questions and tasks aimed at forming the reading literacy of 5th‑6th grade students in Ukrainian literature textbooks. Scientific works that summarize the international experience of conducting PISA studies on reading literacy are considered. The main problems in the process of formation of reading literacy and tasks that cause difficulties for students have been identified. It is noted that the urgency of the problem of the formation of reading literacy in modern students-readers is motivated by the growing demands for the quality of school education. During the analysis and generalization of the achievements of pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, the objective necessity of developing theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of forming a qualified student-reader in the lessons of school literature courses was confirmed. The stages of work with various types of tasks for the formation of reading literacy according to Ukrainian literature textbooks for 5–6 grades, which are being tested in the pilot project of the New Ukrainian School, are described. In the process of approbation of educational and methodological materials, which are the basis of the textbook of Ukrainian literature in grades 5–6 of the New Ukrainian School, it was proven that the completeness and depth of subject knowledge and formed skills depend on the level of understanding of the text, that is, the ability to understand what has been read and apply it for reading and personal development. It has been proven that solving the problems proposed in the PISA tests requires reproductive reproduction of acquired knowledge, formed skills, and the ability to effectively apply them in new non-standard situations. Therefore, it is advisable to organize the educational process of Ukrainian literature for 5–6 grade students on the basis of textbook tasks, taking into account personally oriented, competence-based and activity-based approaches using new educational technologies.</p> 2024-01-17T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Realization of the Competency Potential of the Mathematics Textbook for High School Students Using the System of Exercises 2024-01-22T11:19:08+02:00 Olga Vashulenko <p>The goal of reforming the national education system is to move from its information-accumulating orientation to the formation and development of the individual’s ability to independently acquire knowledge in the process of research and practical activity, to apply it both in educational and non-standard situations. The article analyzes the requirements for a mathematics textbook for gymnasiums as a tool for the formation of key competencies in students. <br>The implementation of the competency-based approach to school education requires an appropriate approach to the formation of the content of the textbook and the implementation in it of the technology of developmental, personally-oriented learning, self-education, and selflearning embedded in the textbook. Today, there is a sufficient amount of educational material on mathematics for high school students, the Internet is full of a variety of relevant content. However, textbooks occupy an important place in the educational process. They contain carefully structured, methodically adapted educational content, as well as a tool for organizing its assimilation and forming the intellectual and personal qualities of schoolchildren of the appropriate age — a system of exercises. Textbooks determine the trajectory of learning in accordance with state educational documents, provide an opportunity to focus on the main thing. Due to its systematic nature, the textbook is an excellent tool for organizing educational activities, evaluation, self-assessment of the achievements of students and overcoming educational losses and gaps. <br>In addition to the content, the activity component of the textbook is important, namely the system of exercises. The requirements for the system of exercises in the mathematics textbook for high school are based on didactic principles, goals and requirements for learning outcomes, features of the cognitive activity of students of the appropriate age category. The article defines the features of building a system of exercises in a mathematics textbook for high school students to realize its competence potential. The role of the system of exercises in the mathematics textbook for the formation of each of the key competencies is defined. The place and role of practice-oriented tasks in the system of mathematical exercises is separately characterized. Four levels of complexity of this type of exercises, as well as requirements for their content, are defined.</p> 2024-01-12T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024