Опубліковано 01.06.2020
Ключові слова
- ключові компетентності,
- фінансова грамотність,
- навчальний посібник,
- компетентнісне навчання,
- учні ліцею
Як цитувати
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Статтю присвячено проблемі формування ключової компетентності з фінансової грамотності в учнів ліцею для вміння користуватися набутими знаннями в умовах ринкових відносин за допомогою навчального змісту посібника. Окреслено методику формування фінансових понять, умінь та законів шляхом практичного використання. Розкрито основні засади компетентністного навчання фінансової грамотності в ліцеї та способи її результативного здійснення у змісті посібника. Означено вагомість структури змісту посібника для курсу за вибором в умовах Нової української школи. Продемонстровано зразки застосування методичних можливостей посібника з фінансової грамотності для формування ключової компетентності в учнів ліцею.
- The article is devoted to the problem of formation of the key competence in financial literacy in the students of the Lyceum for the ability to use the acquired knowledge in the conditions of market relations with the help of the content of the manual. The methodology of forming financial concepts, skills and laws by practical use of the contents of the manual is outlined. The basic principles of financial literacy training in lyceum and ways of its effective implementation in the content of the manual are revealed. The importance of the structure of the content of the manual for the elective course in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School is determined. The examples of application of the methodological capabilities of the financial literacy manual for the formation of key competency in the Lyceum students are demonstrated. Methodological conditions for forming financial literacy are presented in our guide, in which didactic material is described by algorithmic principles of sequential actions (for individual work); cohesion tasks (information for group work) and problematic questions that form critical thinking and enable students to develop financial literacy through cognitive financial tasks and practical exercises. But in order for students to create financial literacy, it is not enough to reduce this process only to working with management. The system of financial education of the Lyceum includes both a variable component and extracurricular work. In addition, teachers often use various forms of gaming technology in their teaching activities. During the educational game, conditions are created for the full development of the high school student and his abilities. Role-playing games are very effective for developing financial skills. They help students become experts in a particular field, demonstrate their knowledge, skills, often acquired using the method of complex tasks, examples of games and various student projects contained in the manual and already selected by the teacher. In addition, various study-oriented trips to financial institutions are actively introduced into the educational process, where students become familiar with the direct work of these institutions and learn to open loans, deposits, study the risks of the financial market, etc., and generate financial literacy in them