Published 2021-12-24
- informatization of education,
- “digital” children,
- online environment,
- pyramid of digital behavior,
- electronic textbook
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Copyright (c) 2021 Світлана Алєксєєва
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The article highlights the problem of applying didactic ideas of information education in modern textbook formation. The significance of solving the problems of informatization of education, the need for active use of the latest information achievements, and the development of modern innovative methods and teaching tools is substantiated. Informatization of education has led to the expansion of the use of Information Technologies, rethinking the role of information, modernizing teaching tools, organizing distance and e-learning. The article considers the best practices of UNESCO on the problem of textbook creation, analyzes the works of domestic scientists. It is noted that ensuring informatization of education should be carried out through the introduction of educational electronic publications into the educational process, the implementation of a competency-based and integrated approach in modern textbook creation and the selection of the content of school textbooks. The quality of a textbook depends on many factors, the dominant role among which is played by a conceptual approach to its creation. The textbook models a holistic learning process and should be built on a multi-level principle of studying educational material in accordance with the level of readiness of students. The characterological features of “digital” children, their multitasking, short concentration of attention, and the ability to quickly “sift” large amounts of information are determined. The article describes the behavior of students in an online environment that is identical to traditional learning. The main functions of a modern textbook are outlined, which is built on the multi-level principle of studying educational material in accordance with the levels of readiness of students, the need for its polymodal and multimedia content, which will provide visual, auditory, motor (kinesthetic) perception of educational information. An electronic textbook should not replace a printed manual, but supplement it by presenting the educational material in a different form — by focusing on key concepts, theses and reference diagrams, using interactive tasks, and a large amount of multimedia illustrative material. The most rational way is to create textbooks that are aimed at presenting visual information in terms of content because they are designed for students with a completely new type of thinking, who perceive information with a minimum number of words.
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