Published 2021-12-24
- educational and methodical manual,
- professional competencies,
- higher education,
- general and inorganic chemistry,
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The article explains the content and structure of the textbook on the course “General and Inorganic Chemistry” for students of the 1st year of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, specialty “226. Pharmacy. Industrial Pharmacy” aimed at forming the integral, general and professional competencies of future pharmacists in accordance with the requirements of the Standards of Higher Education of Ukraine, the curriculum and the educational and professional program “Pharmacy” at Bukovinian State Medical University.
Considerable attention is paid to the normative provisions on the structure and composition of educational literature and components of the manual that contribute to the self-education and self-development of students, which forms the main components of integrated, general and professional competence.
The analysis of educational and methodical manuals on “General and Inorganic Chemistry “ available in the library of Bukovinian State Medical University was carried out and it was found that in the studied educational materials the content and structure are different and do not contain diverse information for the formation of the skills and competencies necessary for the activities of the future specialist. According to the results of the study and normative documents, a layout of the educational and methodical manuals in compliance with the general requirements was created.
The model of the structure of the textbook is given, in particular, sections that contain a list of basic knowledge, skills and competencies, advice to the student (basic theoretical issues of the topic, algorithms for solving typical problems and instructions for practical or laboratory work), materials for self-control (a list of control questions, a sample of an exam paper for the final control of students’ knowledge, tasks and exercises for self-solution) and a list of recommended literature aimed at optimizing the preparation of pharmacist students for classes in general and inorganic chemistry, the delivery of module I “General Chemistry” and module 2 “Inorganic Chemistry”.
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