No. 23 (2019)


Tamila Yatsenko

Published 2019-12-30


  • Ukrainian literature,
  • school textbook,
  • competence-based education,
  • reading competence,
  • students’ cultural competence

How to Cite

Yatsenko Т. (2019). COMPETENCE-ORIENTED TEXTBOOK ON UKRAINIAN LITERATURE FOR 11TH GRADE STUDENTS. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (23), 317.


The article addresses the problem of competence-based approach in the modern school literary education. A textbook on Ukrainian literature is considered as an effective means of developing the subject reading and the key competences of student-readers. The essence of the concepts “reading competence as key” and “reading competence as subject” are specified; the structure is defined and the components of the subject- reading competence (general cultural, literary studies, interpretive, axiological, creative-speech) are characterized in detail. The concept of the textbook is presented, which is based on the following basic provisions: realization of the idea of subject-subject school education of Ukrainian literature aimed at forming a competent student-reader; a work of fiction is an artistic phenomenon, therefore, the school’s consideration of a literary work is based on its aesthetic essence, presented through the prism of key ideas of a particular artistic direction, a stylistic trend that artistically embody the world concept formed by the mind of writer and a human of a particular historical and cultural age; dialogism in the teaching of Ukrainian literature (a work of fiction and an epoch, a work of art-author, a work of art-other works of art, student-art work, student-student, student-teacher); textbook as an effective tool for self-study of Ukrainian literature, formation of reading competence, readership and personal development. The competence potential of the current textbook is revealed. “Ukrainian Literature. Grade 11. The standard level ” (authors - Fasolia А. М., Yatsenko T.O., Ulychenko V.V., etc.) on the realization of educational tasks of the New Ukrainian School in the modern literary education. In particular, the didactictical-methodological assignment of each thematic rubric of the textbook in the projection on ensuring the effective competence-based education of Ukrainian literature in the 11th grade is substantiated and characterized. It is argued that the author’s team views the textbook as innovative, as one of the effective means of forming a modern competent student-reader.


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