Published 2021-12-24
- technological education,
- subject «Technology»,
- didactic principles,
- model curriculum
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The article describes the process of forming the content of technological education at the levels of design — pre-subject and basic subject “Technology” and at the levels of its implementation — pedagogical reality and personal experience of students.
The defined didactic principles of forming the content of the new subject “Technology” lay the normative foundations of technology training, determine the content, organizational forms and methods of the technology training process in accordance with the purpose of technological education, the requirements of the new State Standard.
The developed criteria for the analysis of the model curriculum for the subject «Technology» is a guideline for the creation of competency-based textbooks, which remain today the main professional source of learning and self-study, as well as a necessary means of achieving expected learning outcomes of students.
Aimed at the effective introduction of a new subject «Technology» in the educational process of gymnasiums, it is proved the necessity to provide teachers with proper academic freedom, the ability to take into account existing learning conditions, bring it closer to students, while outlining the subject content, the need to understand and evaluate the individual level of achieving the expected learning outcomes.
The analyzed spiral-concentric and block-modular methods of structuring the model curriculum of D. Kilderov and other authors reflect the model of learning according to the culturological didactic system.
During the study of the first and second sections, students acquire basic knowledge of the standard, selected materials processing technologies, which ensures the successful implementation of educational projects within the third section of the curriculum.
These methods of structuring provide an in-depth study of the subject, wide variability in the choice of technologies for processing materials and objects of design and technological activities, adapting the content of the curriculum to the conditions of mixed and compulsory distance learning.
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