No. 17 (2016)


T. Yatsenko

Published 2016-12-30


  • Ukrainian literature,
  • textbooks,
  • educational materials,
  • art,
  • student-centered learning,
  • competence training,
  • the reading competence,
  • cultural approach,
  • gender approach
  • ...More

How to Cite

Yatsenko Т. О. . (2016). UKRAINIAN LITERATURE TEXTBOOK IN THE CONTEXT OF CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (17), 544–551. Retrieved from


One of the important factors of school literary education reform is updating its content, creating high-quality educational software with the obligatory account of scientific principles of developmental psychology, pedagogy, the latest achievements in literary study and teaching methods. Therefore, the relevance and importance of the outlined problem determine the choice of the topic for the publication. The sources of the problem defined in the article are Ukrainian scientists’ researches in the sphere of creating new textbooks, including Ukrainian literature textbook sand the ideas of organization and realization of personality oriented and competency school education. The Ukrainian literature textbook which is analyzing in the article is considered as a methodical system for achieving the objectives of the modern paradigm of education. The didactic and methodological aspects of the Ukrainian literature textbook are expanding in the context of conceptual ideas of personally oriented, competency training, cultural and gender approaches. The system of questions and tasks presented in the textbook implies a significant appeal to the students’ reading experience, takes into account their aesthetic tastes and preferences and makes the determination to the personal students’ attitude to the literary work, prompting them to a deep understanding of the literary text. The competence orientation of the textbook training material that is evident both in the content of journalistic essays, as well as in the teaching technique, involves the organization of learning activities in the Ukrainian literature classroom focused on the development of students’ emotional, literary, general cultural, comparative competencies as components of the subject readers competence. It is proved that the consideration of new approaches in the school literary education will promote purposeful formation of a competent student-reader and improving the effectiveness of teaching Ukrainian literature at school in general.


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