No. 30 (2023)

Cooperative Learning in Mathematics and the Role of the Textbook in Its Implementation

Daryna Vasylieva
Larisa Bukalov

Published 2023-07-24


  • mathematics education,
  • cooperative learning,
  • interactive learning,
  • mathematics textbook,
  • group work,
  • pair work,
  • working in groups
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vasylieva Д., & Bukalov Л. . (2023). Cooperative Learning in Mathematics and the Role of the Textbook in Its Implementation. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (30), 32–46.


An analysis has been carried out of research on cooperative learning and its impact on students' academic achievement, as well as the regulatory framework of the New Ukrainian School. It has been shown that involving students in group and pair work during mathematics education helps to develop the necessary skills and attitudes. Different views of scholars on cooperative learning and collaborative learning are considered, and definitions, key elements, and stages of cooperative learning are provided. Based on a survey of 220 mathematics teachers, the state of implementation of cooperative learning in 5th grade of the New Ukrainian School, teachers' and students' attitudes towards such learning are examined. It was found that most teachers involve students in cooperative learning during traditional classroom teaching but not during distance learning. The frequency of involving students in this type of learning and the time allocated to it are determined. The development of key competencies of students that are supported by group and pair work, and how it changes the classroom atmosphere, are described. The difficulties that teachers face in organizing cooperative learning are noted. Mathematics textbooks for the 5th grade are analyzed, and those that have symbols denoting tasks for group and pair work are identified. Examples of tasks that are recommended to be included in mathematics textbooks for grades 5-6 to stimulate the implementation of cooperative learning in mathematics are given, and several technologies for organizing students' work with these tasks are described.


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