No. 30 (2023)

Cross-Cutting Skills: The Concept of the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education and a Resource for Textbook Development

Yuliia Maliienko

Published 2023-07-24


  • State Standard of Basic Secondary Education,
  • concept,
  • cross-cutting skills,
  • soft skills,
  • multifunctionality of cross-cutting skills

How to Cite

Maliienko Ю. . (2023). Cross-Cutting Skills: The Concept of the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education and a Resource for Textbook Development. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (30), 66–73.


The article is dedicated to cross-cutting skills in all key competencies, their conceptualization in the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education. In particular, the authors of the program documents of the New Ukrainian School believe that key competencies and cross-cutting skills create a "canvas" that forms the basis for successful self-realization of students as individuals, citizens, and professionals.
It has been explored that in English literature, the terms "cross-cutting skills" or variations such as "interdisciplinary skills" or "cross-cutting capabilities" are commonly used, and the emphasis on the importance and feasibility of developing cross-cutting skills is shared in both Ukrainian and foreign traditions.
According to the author, cross-cutting skills are educational practices shared by all key competencies, which functionally integrate subjects/courses across all school domains, relevant to overcoming educational losses, and necessary for the effective implementation of the Standard in the educational process.
The article highlights the characteristics of cross-cutting skills, including multifunctionality (an educational concept and a resource for textbook development), universality (relevance to general education schools, universities, and professional activities), external and internal integration. The article reveals the multifunctionality of cross-cutting skills through the conceptual foundations of the State Standard and textbook development. It is noted that the textbooks of the new generation should contribute to the development of cross-cutting skills in individuals, such as the development of emotional sphere, cognitive and creative abilities, individual and group work, communication, and more.
The article characterizes soft skills as a specific list of personal characteristics of a child. Integrative in nature, soft skills are a separate and specific indicator of a child's activity, a component of cross-cutting skills and key competencies.
It is emphasized that cross-cutting skills become educational practices that help compensate for educational losses and ensure that children are protected from learning gaps.


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