No. 30 (2023)

CLIL Technology as a Means of Enhancing Competence-Oriented Nature of Foreign Language Acquisition: Foreign Experience and Ukrainian Perspectives

Oleksandr Pasichnyk
Olena Pasichnyk

Published 2023-07-24


  • CLIL,
  • didactic materials,
  • content of foreign language learning,
  • sociocultural component,
  • criteria for constructing CLIL

How to Cite

Pasichnyk О. ., & Pasichnyk О. . (2023). CLIL Technology as a Means of Enhancing Competence-Oriented Nature of Foreign Language Acquisition: Foreign Experience and Ukrainian Perspectives. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (30), 134–148.


The ever-increasing role of foreign language in the modern world calls for implementing new strategies to the process of their acquisition: content of learning, approaches and methods are permanently re-considered by scientists and teachers in order to achieve positive learning outcomes. Nowadays ability to take part in typical situations of everyday communication is deemed insufficient result of foreign language acquisition at school. One of the distinguishing trends is integration of academic and professionally-oriented elements in the school curriculum. This is known as CLIL (content and language integrated learning). In compliance with CLIL principles students are exposed to simultaneous learning of a foreign language and a particular fragment of reality, which can be related to various domains (Literature, Math, Nature, Science, Geography etc.). By introducing such changes the modern methodology is aimed at erasing borders between two domains: foreign language for ‘touristic purposes’ and language for ‘professional and academic dimensions’, thus enabling students to communicate equally well in various situations and contexts.
Taking into consideration that Ukrainian methodology of foreign language teaching is highly influenced by global trends, CLIL has to be in the focus of educators’ attention. In this respect the article outlines European experience of introducing CLIL in educational process; describes types of CLIL (soft or weak) and types of students’ exposure to CLIL (total immersion, fragmented exposure). Besides, authors analyze relevant didactic materials in order to draw conclusions. According to the obtained results the authors suggest appropriate students’ age to be efficiently exposed to CLIL as well as a set of criteria for developing CLIL-materials to comply with Ukrainian curriculum requirements.
Although CLIL is not yet integrated in secondary school curriculum, this concept is not new for Ukrainian educators as elective courses which are taught in high school (Year 10 and 11) are similar to CLIL model of total immersion. Despite this fact, integration of CLIL in secondary school will require further research to make it a part of educational process i.e. development of CLIL assessment framework, harmonization of CLIL objectives with curriculum requirements.


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  29. Coyle, D., Hood, P., & Marsh, D. (2010). CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (in English).
  30. Dallinger, S., Jonkmann, K., Hollm, J., & Fiege, C. (2016).The effect of content and language integrated learning on students’ English and history competences – Killing two birds with one stone? Learning and Instruction, 41(1), 23-31. (in English).
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  33. Marsh, D. (2001). Profiling European CLIL Classrooms : Languages Open Doors. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 253 p. (in English).
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  35. Mehisto P., & Marsch D. (2008) Uncovering CLIL. Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education. Macmillan Education, Oxford, 2008. (in English).
  36. Wolff, D. (2003). Integrating language and content in the language classroom : Are transfer of knowledge and of language classroom ensured? Pratiques et recherches en Centres de langues. (41-42), 35-46. doi: (in English).