Scientific and Methodological Support for Training Teachers in Forecasting and Designing a Variable Component of Gymnasium/Lyceum Curriculum
Published 2023-07-24
- content of complete general secondary education,
- variable component of gymnasium/lyceum curriculum,
- pedagogical forecasting,
- pedagogical design,
- training of teachers
- scientific and methodological support,
- model,
- technique ...More
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The article outlines the component composition and presents the scientific and methodological support for training teachers in forecasting and designing a variable component of gymnasium/lyceum curriculum (the model and technique of the specified training). The concept "model of training teachers in forecasting and designing a variable component of gymnasium/lyceum curriculum" is defined – this is a conventional image (description) of the process of training teachers in the specified activity, developed and substantiated for approval and implementation in educational practice. The structural components of this model are disclosed and substantiated, namely: subject, object, target, substantive, methodical, evaluation-resultative. The technique of training teachers in forecasting and designing a variable component of gymnasium/lyceum curriculum has been developed and described, which is defined as a set of interconnected educational tools that ensure the achievement of a state of long-term readiness (preparedness) of teachers for the development of the project of a variable component of curriculum of a general institution secondary education of the appropriate level. The implementation of the technique involves the implementation of seven successive stages of this preparation, namely: organizational, diagnostic, theoretical, practical-training, implementation, control-resultative, corrective. The technique of training teachers in forecasting and designing a variable component of gymnasium/lyceum curriculum considered as a component (methodical component) of the above-mentioned training model. Prospects for further research on the problem of scientific and methodological support for training teachers in forecasting and designing a variable component of gymnasium/lyceum curriculum are related to an experimental testing and implementation of this model and technique in a process of intra-school scientific and methodological work.
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