No. 31 (2023)

Textbook and Students’ project-Research Activities

Ion Akiri

Published 2024-01-17


  • textbook,
  • project-research activities of students,
  • didactic rubrics,
  • plore and Learn,
  • Explore,
  • Project,
  • didactic technology
  • ...More

How to Cite

Akiri І. . (2024). Textbook and Students’ project-Research Activities. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 6–10.


The article highlights the role of the school textbook in the formation and development of students' project-research competence. Proanalyzed personalities of Moldova in the context of the implementation of competence training and determined the direction of improvement of the textbook. Focused attention on the important features of the school textbook as a whole and in the real-life processes of modern didactic technologies. The need to introduce tools to support students' project-research activities into textbooks for all school subjects is substantiated, and the didactic possibilities of such headings "Exploring and learning", "Investigate", "Project" in the context of organizing and conducting students' project-research activities are illustrated. The didactic value of the project-research activity from the standpoint of the subjects of the educational process (students of teacher education) was determined.


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  1. Бондар, С.П. (2012). Роль і значення навчального тексту підручника у розвитку пошуково-дослідницької компетентності старшокласників. Проблеми сучасного підручника: збірник нукових праць, 12.
  2. Shkolnyi, O., Shvets, V., & Akiri, I. (2022). Using cascade-tasks for evaluation of educational achievements in mathematics during national standardized tests. Revista: Mathematics and Informatics. Educational Issues, 65(2).
  3. Akiri, I. (2021). The transdisciplinary as an educational paradigm of the future. Scientific journal «Education: Modern Discourses», 4.
  4. Бондар, С.П. (2012). Роль і значення навчального тексту підручника у розвитку пошуково-дослідницької компетентності старшокласників. Проблеми сучасного підручника: збірник нукових праць, 12.
  5. Shkolnyi, O., Shvets, V., & Akiri, I. (2022). Using cascade-tasks for evaluation of educational achievements in mathematics during national standardized tests. Revista: Mathematics and Informatics. Educational Issues, 65(2).
  6. Akiri, I. (2021). The transdisciplinary as an educational paradigm of the future. Scientific journal «Education: Modern Discourses», 4.