No. 31 (2023)

Innovative Potential of Modern Literacy Teaching Textbook

Oksana Vashulenko

Published 2024-01-17


  • primary education,
  • modern textbook,
  • teaching textbook,
  • literacy teaching,
  • competency-based approach,
  • literacy teaching textbook structure
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vashulenko О. . (2024). Innovative Potential of Modern Literacy Teaching Textbook. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 22–37.


The issue of developing innovative educational textbooks that promote the formation of subject-specific and key competencies in younger students is addressed in the article. Didactic and methodological research in the field of Ukrainian textbook development for primary schools is analyzed. The goals of the educational book in the context of implementing a competency-based approach in the educational process are defined. The functions of a literacy teaching textbook in a competency-oriented learning environment, requirements for its content, structural components, and methods of presenting educational materials are clarified. The attention is focused on constructing a modern, innovative literacy teaching textbook for 1st-grade students in general education institutions. The possibilities of modernizing the educational textbook through updating its structure and implementing innovative literacy teaching technologies are considered. One of the innovations is the creation of a teaching textbook that combines the functions of a handbook and a workbook. The features of the updated structure and methodological tools of the new literacy teaching textbook for the 1st grade of general education institutions are presented, its potential in developing full reading and writing skills in contemporary first-graders is outlined. The attention is focused on the issue of continuity of preschool and primary education, and the possibilities of the new teaching textbook in providing a differentiated approach to literacy teaching to develop reading skills are considered. The conclusion is reached that the creation of the innovative literacy teaching textbook based on an activity-oriented approach is an important task for the New Ukrainian School. A modern teaching textbook should be designed based on updated psychological, didactic, and methodological principles of textbook development, and should represent knowledge and types of activities related to a specific subject according to the requirements of the educational program, taking into account the peculiarities of the subject (its dominant function) and the age-specific characteristics of the students.
In the analysis process, it is demonstrated that the methodological tools and illustrative content of the new literacy teaching textbook are developed on the basis of child-centeredness, which prioritize the interests, needs, and abilities of students. The content, structure, and methods of presenting educational material in the literacy teaching textbook are subordinated to the development of communicative and reading competencies in first graders, the development of their ability to communicate in the Ukrainian language for spiritual, cultural, and national self-expression, as well as for personal and social life, and in intercultural dialogue; enriching the emotional and sensory experience, and developing language-creative abilities.


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