No. 31 (2023)

Ways of Implementing Practice-Oriented Geometry Teaching in Gymnasium According to the Stages of Learning Mathematical Concepts

Victoriia Voloshena

Published 2024-01-17


  • Professor О. І. Buhaiov,
  • process of teaching in Physics and Astronomy,
  • textbook,
  • didactics of Physics and Astronomy,
  • historical and methodological research

How to Cite

Voloshena В. . (2024). Ways of Implementing Practice-Oriented Geometry Teaching in Gymnasium According to the Stages of Learning Mathematical Concepts. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 38–48.


The article attempts to reveal the problem of implementing the idea of practice-oriented teaching of geometry in gymnasium according to the stages of learning mathematical concepts. Practice-oriented teaching of geometry is considered as a tool that will be able to solve the problem of productive learning of students, and to motivate the students themselves to conscious assimilation of educational material. It is proposed to use a special approach to the study of mathematical concepts, based on the step-by-step mastering of the learning content with the introduction of a complex of practice-oriented educational materials, which include illustrative materials, tasks and exercises with various didactic functions according to the stages of introduction, assimilation and consolidation of the definitions of concepts and theorems. A number of methodological principles have been formulated that were taken into account when compiling a set of practice-oriented educational materials: accessibility, systematicity and consistency. Examples of such training are presented, in which the relationships between the stages of learning concepts and their applications by means of a complex of practice-oriented educational materials and applied mathematical skills of schoolchildren, selected according to the stages of the mathematical modeling method, are indicated. It is shown that mathematical modeling in practice-oriented mathematics teaching at school is the theoretical basis for the formation of applied mathematical skills of schoolchildren in accordance with the step-by-step training in the method of mathematical modeling. The binary role of practical applications of mathematics is emphasized, which consists, on the one hand, in teaching the use of mathematical apparatus to study and describe reality, and on the other, in helping to improve the quality of subject results.


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