No. 31 (2023)

Guidance in Teaching Oral Ukrainian Speech: Methodological Projection of New Approaches to Language Education

Oksana Petruk

Published 2024-01-17


  • Ukrainian language,
  • oral course,
  • study guide,
  • methodological apparatus,
  • speech samples,
  • national minorities
  • ...More

How to Cite

Petruk О. (2024). Guidance in Teaching Oral Ukrainian Speech: Methodological Projection of New Approaches to Language Education. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 153–160.


Rethinking the goals and results of education, and transforming the content of the Ukrainian language as a state language course led to a change in the methods and technologies of its mastery, and therefore to the emergence of modern teaching aids: textbooks and teaching aids that correspond to the updated paradigm of language education. One of the educational publications that ensures the effectiveness of the process of teaching oral Ukrainian speech to students who are representatives of national minorities is the Ukrainian language study guide for 1st grade with audio accompaniment. This is a new educational product that completely replaces the textbook and integrates the functions of the textbook and the workbook. Within the framework of the competitive selection announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the author created a manual for teaching oral Ukrainian speech for the 1st grade of general secondary education institutions with teaching in the Romanian language, which received the appropriate seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture and was chosen by teachers for use in the educational process. The article highlights the peculiarities of the construction of this study guide taking into account new approaches to language education. Attention is focused on the fact that the study guide is an innovative publication, created by the requirements of the State Standard of Primary Education and the curriculum, taking into account the goals and objectives of the oral practical course of the Ukrainian language, as well as oriented towards modern students who have certain abilities and psychophysiological features, formed due to a long stay in the digital space. The study guide has a clear communication direction, ensures the comprehensive development of oral communication skills, and takes into account the peculiarities of the student’s native language, life and educational experience. Thanks to the verified methodical apparatus, the training manual is suitable for use in the format of mixed training.


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