No. 31 (2023)

Axiological Approach: Implementation in the Content of the Educational Subject «basics of Jurisprudence» (Grade 9)

Liliia Riabovol

Published 2024-01-17


  • human-oriented approach,
  • rights and freedoms,
  • the value of law and the state,
  • content of education,
  • learning outcomes,
  • knowledge and skills of a student
  • ...More

How to Cite

Riabovol Л. . (2024). Axiological Approach: Implementation in the Content of the Educational Subject «basics of Jurisprudence» (Grade 9). Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 201–210.


The article analyzes the «Basics of Jurisprudence» program (2022) regarding the implementation of the axiological approach to understanding the essence and meaning of law and the state in the content of this educational subject. It was found that as a methodological tool of legal science, the axiological approach: involves the positioning of a person as an absolute value and the study of law and the state as institutions that are essential for meeting the needs and interests of a person; allows you to evaluate the law and the state in terms of compliance with the ideals of justice and universal values. It was established that the type of legal understanding is decisive for understanding the value of law and the state. As a result of the analysis of the study program «Basics of Jurisprudence» (2022) it was proved that the selection and construction of the content of the study is based on the natural-legal type of legal understanding and axiological and human-oriented approaches, so, a person is considered as the highest social value, and the law, the main source of which is justice, – as a phenomenon created and carried out by people to ensure their normal life activities. The implementation of these approaches in the content of the program focuses on the rights of the child and their protection, on the rights of minors as participants in various types of legal relations, and at the same time, questions regarding the interrelationship of rights and obligations and the responsibility of minors for illegal behavior are included. To reveal the valuable potential of Ukraine as a democratic, legal and social state, the program provides for the study of issues of democracy, the rule of law, the state’s obligations in the field of human rights, the social purpose of the state, etc.


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