No. 31 (2023)

«Foreign Literature. Grades 7–9» Basic Subject Course of School Language and Literature Education

Valentyna Sniehirova

Published 2024-01-17


  • foreign literature,
  • fiction,
  • text,
  • genre,
  • hero,
  • reading,
  • reader,
  • author,
  • competence
  • ...More

How to Cite

Sniehirova В. . (2024). «Foreign Literature. Grades 7–9» Basic Subject Course of School Language and Literature Education. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 223–233.


basic cycle) from the point of view of the implementation of modern educational normative documents. The novelty of the proposed program lies in the fact that its authors significantly updated the “golden classics” with works for children and youth, and also offered powerful modern teenage reading content to be chosen by the teacher and students. At the core of the program concept there are integrated methods of the activity approach, such as learning based on children’s requests, learning through discovery and Montessori pedagogy, which can positively influence the formation of reading interests, comprehensive skills and key competencies of students. The list of works is determined by the interests of schoolchildren and the task of enriching their life and reading experience. It contains folklore and the best works of foreign literature, which raise the eternal problems of good and evil, love and compassion, dignity and humanity, beauty in nature and human life. In the annotations to the studied topics, emphasis is placed on the questions and searches relevant to the modern reader, which make it possible to interpret the work of art in the context of today. Annotations to the works are arranged so that the teacher can correctly determine the most appropriate method of their processing. At the stage of basic subject learning of foreign literature, work continues on the formation and development of the key competencies, among which a significant place is given to reading competence. Pupils will master reading as a means of realizing their future plans: continuing education and self-education, conscious planning of their current and prospective reading circle, including reading for leisure, preparation for professional education.


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