No. 31 (2023)

Implementation of Stem Education and Modernization of the Ukrainian School Curriculum As Factors in Improving Students’ Scientific and Mathematical Literacy in the Context of Achieving Pisa Goals

Oleh Topuzov
Lyudmyla Kalinina
Valentyn Rogoza

Published 2024-01-17


  • STEM education,
  • quality of education,
  • PISA study,
  • ntific and mathematical literacy

How to Cite

Topuzov О., Kalinina Л. ., & Rogoza В. . (2024). Implementation of Stem Education and Modernization of the Ukrainian School Curriculum As Factors in Improving Students’ Scientific and Mathematical Literacy in the Context of Achieving Pisa Goals. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 241–257.


The article is based on the analysis of the PISA‑2022 results, an international study on the quality of education, focusing on the application of knowledge and skills in reading, mathematics, and science in real-life contexts among 15-year-old students. The findings of this study revealed a general decline in performance across all subject areas in most participating countries, including Ukraine. Ukraine, participating in PISA for the second time, demonstrated a decline in reading skills, science, and mathematics compared to the previous study in 2018. This research highlights the importance of reforming educational approaches, particularly through the implementation of STEM education, which can enhance the level of scientific and mathematical literacy.  The work analyzes the trends in changes in the performance of Ukrainian students between the PISA 2018 and 2022 cycles, the reasons for the deterioration in the results of the development of students’ scientific and mathematical literacy based on the study “Ukrainian Textbooks on Natural Science and Mathematics Subjects in the Context of PISA Goals: Teachers’ Perspective”, and outlines directions for applying conceptual approaches to the implementation of STEM education and predicting manifestations of synergistic and allocative effects from their application.  The article examines STEM as an innovative and integrative approach in education, combining science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and its potential in preparing students for future challenges in science and technology.  It is proven that the implementation and development of STEM education in Ukraine will positively affect the improvement of scientific and mathematical literacy, and consequently, ensure equal access to quality education in the future. This is crucial for developing educational strategies aimed at enhancing the quality of scientific and mathematical education among the youth.  The article sheds light on the critical role of STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in improving scientific and mathematical literacy. It is argued that STEM can effectively address the issues identified in the PISA‑2022 results by enhancing critical thinking, creativity, and innovative potential among students. In particular, it can help students better understand natural phenomena, evaluate scientific research, and develop skills important for future careers in science and technology fields.  The authors emphasize the need to develop scientific-methodological and educational support for STEM education, including integrating relevant content into textbooks and guides in natural science and mathematics subjects, and creating integrated courses. These assertions are based on the research findings among teachers in the study “Ukrainian Textbooks on Natural Science and Mathematics Subjects in the Context of PISA Goals”, conducted by experts from the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. The study aimed to analyze the content and apparatus of the modern textbook in terms of correlation with PISA tasks and achieving PISA goals.  Nearly half (48.86% of the total sample) of the 4883 respondents expressed a desire to improve the quality of textbooks in mathematics and the natural science cycle by refining their content, the need to develop and present competency-based tasks of a research and practical nature in them, based on life situations similar to PISA tasks.


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