No. 31 (2023)

A Textbook of Ukrainian Literature as a Means of Forming Reading Literacy of 5–6 Grade Students

Tamila Yatsenko
Olesіa Slyzhuk

Published 2024-01-17


  • reading literacy,
  • students-readers,
  • a textbook of Ukrainian literature,
  • reading skill,
  • key competencies,
  • subject competence
  • ...More

How to Cite

Yatsenko Т. ., & Slyzhuk О. . (2024). A Textbook of Ukrainian Literature as a Means of Forming Reading Literacy of 5–6 Grade Students. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 280–288.


The article analyses а system of questions and tasks aimed at forming the reading literacy of 5th‑6th grade students in Ukrainian literature textbooks. Scientific works that summarize the international experience of conducting PISA studies on reading literacy are considered. The main problems in the process of formation of reading literacy and tasks that cause difficulties for students have been identified. It is noted that the urgency of the problem of the formation of reading literacy in modern students-readers is motivated by the growing demands for the quality of school education. During the analysis and generalization of the achievements of pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, the objective necessity of developing theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of forming a qualified student-reader in the lessons of school literature courses was confirmed. The stages of work with various types of tasks for the formation of reading literacy according to Ukrainian literature textbooks for 5–6 grades, which are being tested in the pilot project of the New Ukrainian School, are described. In the process of approbation of educational and methodological materials, which are the basis of the textbook of Ukrainian literature in grades 5–6 of the New Ukrainian School, it was proven that the completeness and depth of subject knowledge and formed skills depend on the level of understanding of the text, that is, the ability to understand what has been read and apply it for reading and personal development. It has been proven that solving the problems proposed in the PISA tests requires reproductive reproduction of acquired knowledge, formed skills, and the ability to effectively apply them in new non-standard situations. Therefore, it is advisable to organize the educational process of Ukrainian literature for 5–6 grade students on the basis of textbook tasks, taking into account personally oriented, competence-based and activity-based approaches using new educational technologies.


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