No. 31 (2023)

Realization of the Competency Potential of the Mathematics Textbook for High School Students Using the System of Exercises

Olga Vashulenko

Published 2024-01-12


  • system of exercises,
  • competence potential,
  • textbook on mathematics,
  • stem of exercises,
  • gymnasium,
  • practice-oriented tasks
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vashulenko О. . (2024). Realization of the Competency Potential of the Mathematics Textbook for High School Students Using the System of Exercises. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 289–297.


The goal of reforming the national education system is to move from its information-accumulating orientation to the formation and development of the individual’s ability to independently acquire knowledge in the process of research and practical activity, to apply it both in educational and non-standard situations. The article analyzes the requirements for a mathematics textbook for gymnasiums as a tool for the formation of key competencies in students.
The implementation of the competency-based approach to school education requires an appropriate approach to the formation of the content of the textbook and the implementation in it of the technology of developmental, personally-oriented learning, self-education, and selflearning embedded in the textbook. Today, there is a sufficient amount of educational material on mathematics for high school students, the Internet is full of a variety of relevant content. However, textbooks occupy an important place in the educational process. They contain carefully structured, methodically adapted educational content, as well as a tool for organizing its assimilation and forming the intellectual and personal qualities of schoolchildren of the appropriate age — a system of exercises. Textbooks determine the trajectory of learning in accordance with state educational documents, provide an opportunity to focus on the main thing. Due to its systematic nature, the textbook is an excellent tool for organizing educational activities, evaluation, self-assessment of the achievements of students and overcoming educational losses and gaps.
In addition to the content, the activity component of the textbook is important, namely the system of exercises. The requirements for the system of exercises in the mathematics textbook for high school are based on didactic principles, goals and requirements for learning outcomes, features of the cognitive activity of students of the appropriate age category. The article defines the features of building a system of exercises in a mathematics textbook for high school students to realize its competence potential. The role of the system of exercises in the mathematics textbook for the formation of each of the key competencies is defined. The place and role of practice-oriented tasks in the system of mathematical exercises is separately characterized. Four levels of complexity of this type of exercises, as well as requirements for their content, are defined.


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