Published 2024-12-31
- studying process,
- secondary education,
- informatics,
- 3D modeling,
- learning content
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Copyright (c) 2024 Анна Деркач, Ігор Твердохліб
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The article indicates the importance of studying three-dimensional modeling in the content of a school computer science course, since it is currently one of the most developed and promising areas of information technology development, which is widely used in many areas of human activity, science, production, medicine, etc. On the other hand, studying 3D modeling at school has a positive impact on activating students’ cognitive activity, increasing motivation to learn, developing spatial imagination and critical thinking, and, ultimately, forming a modern worldview in the information society.
Based on a comparative analysis of computer science curricula, the current state of studying 3D modeling in Ukrainian general secondary education institutions is described. A comparative table of the content units of the topic “3D modeling” in the course of computer science in a gymnasium is presented, depending on the chosen model curriculum. It was found that most of the topics related to the theoretical foundations of creating three-dimensional models, customizing their appearance and actions with them, creating three-dimensional animations and the basics of 3D printing are present in each program. Differences in content can be seen when studying modern applications of 3D graphics. Some authors pay more attention to the study of 3D printing technologies, others to augmented reality technologies, and still others to holographic technologies as a type of three-dimensional modeling.
The paper also presents some results of the All-Ukrainian survey of computer science teachers regarding the study of 3D modeling at school. The survey shows that the majority of respondents-teachers consider the study of 3D modeling to be an integral part of school computer science education, and believe that it should be studied in the content of the subject “Computer Science”. Based on the research of the state of studying 3D modeling in Ukrainian secondary schools and the all-Ukrainian survey of teachers, a list of topics that are mandatory for effective teaching of computer modeling at school is proposed.
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