Published 2024-12-31
- competency,
- educational visualization,
- visual competency,
- visual literacy,
- visual thinking
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Copyright (c) 2024 Юлія Малієнко
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This article explores the concept of "visual competency" and substantiates the importance of its development among students in secondary schools. The term "visual competency" is examined within the context of civic and historical education and is characterized as a multifunctional, integrative concept that accumulates various educational indicators and methodologies. It is noted that visual competency is the students' ability to use visual information to comprehend, conceptualize, and visualize the past, the present, and their interconnection, while acquiring personal practices based on knowledge, skills, value orientations, and experience. Children’s understanding of the multidimensionality of history and the development of their visual competence are transformed into an educational synthesis, which integrates interdisciplinary skills and the child’s cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor activities. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the structural components of visual competency proposed by Ukrainian and foreign researchers, revealing consonance in key competency-based ideas: active, interactive, and research activities of students, skill development, independence, and communicative abilities. According to the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education, the mandatory learning outcomes in civic and historical education are defined through a competency-based approach. In this context, the article outlines pathways for the development of visual competence in students. The author's chosen competency-based dimension of visualization reveals its potential within the requirements of the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education, the New Ukrainian School (NUS) initiative, and the new stage of textbook creation. The researcher highlights the lack of visual educational studies, emphasizing the need for new scientific and methodological resources to effectively foster visual competency in students through history and civic studies.
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