Published 2024-12-31
- gamification,
- innovative teaching methods,
- mathematics,
- teaching mathematics,
- educational technologies
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In the modern educational environment, it is extremely necessary to implement innovative methods to increase student activity and improve learning outcomes. This study conducted a detailed analysis of domestic and foreign literature to analyze the effectiveness and individual aspects of gamification in school education, in particular in mathematics lessons. Gamification allows you to find a common language with modern children who are used to playing computer games and communicating in social networks, organizing an active educational environment, providing various forms of integrated learning based on basic competencies. It is noted that gamification is an educational technology that is rapidly developing and has a positive impact on student success. Despite the accumulated extensive experience in using gamification in education, it is not actively used by mathematics teachers in their professional activities. This is partly due to the lack of understanding and reluctance of the teachers themselves, as well as the insufficient development of didactic and methodological developments. The existing problems of reducing the quality of students’ mathematical preparation, the political and economic situation in the country require the development of interactive technologies for teaching students, in particular, in blended and distance learning. Therefore, the introduction of gamification will help the teacher motivate children and involve them in the learning process, developing various mental skills; it will allow children to learn in an interactive environment where they can practice, make mistakes and correct them, etc. However, it is important to note that gamification should not completely replace traditional teaching methods. The results show that a combined approach using traditional and innovative methods can better meet the different needs of students. Therefore, gamification can be a powerful tool in the arsenal of teachers who seek to modernize the educational process and improve the quality of mathematics teaching. Incorporating game elements into the curriculum not only helps students improve academic performance, but also helps them develop such important skills as critical thinking and problem solving. It is important to continue research in this area to maximize the use of gamification in education and maintain high standards of learning in line with global trends.
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