No. 28 (2022)

Creation of a school textbook of geography on the basis of integrative learning

Tetiana Nazarenko

Published 2022-07-20


  • integrated learning,
  • geography textbook,
  • key and subject competencies,
  • holistic picture of the world

How to Cite

Nazarenko Т. (2022). Creation of a school textbook of geography on the basis of integrative learning. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (28), 80–89.


The article highlights the problem of using integrative technology in teaching geography through a textbook. The importance of integrative learning for the formation of key and subject competencies of students of general secondary education is substantiated. The work of researchers on this problem is analysed. Specific examples of educational tasks for the textbook that are integrative in nature are considered. It is determined that the integrative approach covers the actual learning process and various aspects of cognition.
The author of the article proved that the use of interdisciplinary links as a form of educational activity allows not only to combine information from different disciplines in one lesson but also helps to increase students’ cognitive activity, better acquisition of knowledge and skills, deeper perception and understanding of concepts. The author investigates the specifics of the formation of the integrative content of geography textbooks and the areas of interaction of key and subject competencies.
The skilful application of integrated learning in the school textbook on geography charges the formation of students’ holistic picture of the world, scientific worldview and worldview, equips them with systematic knowledge of related subjects and ensures the full nature of their education to meet societal challenges. That is why we propose to create a textbook with integrated tasks, in which all informative and illustrative content is strongly interdependent and interconnected: both vertically, with previous study material, and horizontally, with material from related subjects, as well as cultural context.
Integrated teaching of geography is meaningful in view of the formation of students’ key and subject competencies that are necessary for a citizen who is able to make responsible decisions and act in various situations. Thus, the use of integrated content tasks requires knowledge of other school subjects and is one of the effective ways to design modern geography textbooks.


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