No. 28 (2022)

Modeling the process of formation of intercultural foreign language communicative competence in students of general secondary education institutions by means of speech situations

Valerii Redko
Natalia Telychko

Published 2022-07-20


  • modeling of educational process,
  • formation of intercultural foreign language communicative competence,
  • speech situations

How to Cite

Redko В., & Telychko Н. (2022). Modeling the process of formation of intercultural foreign language communicative competence in students of general secondary education institutions by means of speech situations. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (28), 155–169.


In the article, the authors define and interpret the didactic and methodological essence of intercultural foreign language communicative competence of students of general secondary education (GSEI). The content and functions of this phenomenon are revealed, the technology of its formation is described. The system of didactic tools that contribute to the achievement of the outlined goals is presented and analyzed. The formation of appropriate mechanisms is proposed to be carried out by using speech situations as tools that can provide students with mastery not only of thematic language material within the outlined situational tasks, but also to promote mastery of mechanisms of speech interaction and communicative behavior during speech narratives.
The article considers the peculiarities of students’ educational activities, defines, substantiates and models their educational activities that they must perform in order to form intercultural foreign language communicative competence.
The authors define and present the functions of speech situations, which allows the teacher to orient the communicative activities of students during the production of foreign language expressions.
The main concepts of the proposed technology have been tested in school practice. The results of empirical research are also used in the content of current school textbooks in foreign languages. Positive results are observed.


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