Published 2021-12-24
- computer science,
- algorithm,
- types of algorithms,
- language programming
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The authors of the article are the authors of the textbooks «Informatics» of educational technology «Rostok». In this article, the authors describe the possibility of learning another programming language in primary school. But in order to learn to program well, you need to be able to type quickly in English, know the types of algorithms, know the theoretical material well and not have difficulty in compiling them. The authors argue that students need to start learning computer science from the first grade, because the world is constantly changing, new technical means are emerging. Smartphones and tablets have become the favorite necessities of junior schoolchildren. Students begin to communicate on social networks and play their favorite games much earlier than the study of the discipline «Computer Science». For most younger students, the computer becomes the same learning tool as a textbook or exercise book. Teachers need to work hard to teach students to type with both hands, not one, as younger students usually do with smartphones or tablets.
According to the Rostock educational technology program, the study of the subject «Informatics» begins in the first grade. The authors of the article argue that first-graders need to be taught to type letters on the keyboard, with both hands and the appropriate fingers. The whole process must be under the control of the teacher. In the process of studying the discipline «Informatics» students are constantly typing in various text editors, and in Ukrainian and English.
Much attention is paid to the study of «Algorithms». Students study the methods of recording algorithms and their types. The authors believe that students need to be taught to build statements from «I», «OR», «NOT» on simple examples, because these topics must be well understood by the future programmer. In addition, younger students by the end of 3rd grade are able to work in Minecraft and Scratch environments. In 4th grade, the authors plan to learn another programming language with students, which will allow younger students to feel like real programmers.
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