No. 20 (2018)


E. Borshevskaya

Published 2018-06-01


  • model,
  • educational and methodical complex,
  • competence-based approach,
  • school subject,
  • biology

How to Cite

Borshevskaya О. В. (2018). A MODEL OF EDUCATIONAL AND METHODICAL COMPLEX OF NEW GENERATION ON SCHOOL SUBJECT «BIOLOGY». Problems of the Modern Textbook, (20), 17–25. Retrieved from


The article reflects the structure and content of the new generation of educational complex on the subject “Biology” according to the trends of development of the education system in the Republic of Belarus. Features of elements of the educational and methodical complex are revealed on the basis of the competence approach:
• the introduction of educational material, which on the one hand reflects the fundamental biological knowledge, on the other hand, practice-oriented orientation allows to prepare informed, competent, graduate, which is ready to continue education, to live and to work in new socialeconomic conditions;
• the educational material is aimed at the implementation of personal (value-semantic, personal self-improvement, communicative, cultural), interdisciplinary (information and communication, research, educational and cognitive) and subject (environmental, natural science, health) competencies. Educational and methodical complex of the new generation on biology has a number of properties: multifunctionality; integrity; expands possibilities of stimulation of cognitive activity of pupils; flexibility; orientation in the formation of vital skills and abilities (observation of the constitution of a body; compliance with the rules of environment treatment, preparation of environmental forecasts, etc.); practice-oriented focus; allows to introduce in educational process along with traditional innovative technologies of teaching. The author offers a model of the educational methodical complex on biology based on the competence approach. A distinctive feature of this model is its openness, informational saturation, mobility and orientation in the individual needs of the student. In general form the educational and methodical complex in biology is presented by three blocks (three-component structure):
1. Organizational and normative block: concept, educational standard, curriculum.
2. Content block: textbook, dictionaries, reference books, visual AIDS (posters, tables), electronic educational AIDS (electronic textbooks, interactive computer models, electronic encyclopedias and reference books, electronic simulators, textbooks, navigators, etc.).
3. Educational and methodical block: educational and methodical recommendations; calendar and thematic planning; collections of tasks, competence-oriented tasks, control and independent works, tests; notebooks for laboratory and practical works; workbooks; didactic and diagnostic materials.


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