No. 16 (2016)

Creation of the Life Safety coursebooks, which implement student-centered approach to learning

S. Dykan
O. Kodak
L. Maninа

Published 2016-06-01


  • ternary matrix of knowledge,
  • information flow,
  • academic block,
  • performative text,
  • student-centered approach

How to Cite

Dykan С. А. ., Kodak О. А. ., & Maninа Л. І. . (2016). Creation of the Life Safety coursebooks, which implement student-centered approach to learning. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (16), 109–118. Retrieved from


This article concideres a conceptual approach to the creation of textbook that would implement the so-called ternary matrix, allowing the student to effectively gain knowledge and build on it new one. It has been shown that such ternary matrix can realize three-coordinate model of modern education, consisting of three interconnected processes: the transfer of subject knowledge, socialization of the student and his/her cultural education. By means of transformation of the traditional descriptive text of a coursebook into performative text and the division of textbook into four blocks authors create the cognitive environment in which there is a synergistic strengthening three interrelated information flows – learning, socialization and cultural education. Each of these information-educational blocks is in turn further subdivided into four types of blocks (subsystems): the main training unit, an  additional training unit, signal training unit and the applied academic unit. Thus the last three units must be “embedded” in the basic training unit following “four in one” principle. The main academic block is formed from separate statements of performative text, which are sequentially numbered and placed in the text in accordance with the logical order of their presentation, providing a transition from one type of knowledge to other. Additional academic unit consists of didactic materials of philosophical and scientific-popular character that expand, complement, promote, influence the emotional and sensual sphere of the student, thereby making the mechanism of perception easier. Signal academic unit consists of performative statements (rules and regulations) that contain especially important information for the student, which should be remembered or paid particular attention. Applied academic unit serves as an example of solving a particular problem or situation in life safety and is separated from the statements of the main academic block and performative text by the headings “Example” or “Task”. The number of additional, signal and application blocks within the main academic block, their size and rotation sequence (knowledge transfer from one to the other) may be different; it is determined by the logic of presenting educational material and didactic expediency. As a result a student-centered approach to learning and increased efficiency of learning is achieved.


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