No. 27 (2021)


Olena Goroshkina
Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
Nellie Bondarenko
Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
Valentyna Novosolova
Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine
Liudmyla Popova
Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Published 2021-12-24


  • methods of teaching the Ukrainian language,
  • traditional methods,
  • innovative methods

How to Cite

Goroshkina О., Bondarenko Н., Novosolova В., & Popova Л. (2021). METHODS OF TEACHING THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE IN THE TEACHERS’ VERSION. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (27), 55–63.


The article is devoted to the analysis and generalization of the results of the online survey of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature on the problem of theory and practical application of methods of teaching the Ukrainian language. The survey focused on the following issues: the problem of classification of methods in terms of competency-­based teaching; typologies of methods used by subject teachers for the organization of competency-­based learning; clarifying teachers’ awareness of the essence of teaching methods; efficiency of their use; suggestions of teachers on the scientific support of the solution of the researched problem. The relevance of the chosen topic in the context of the problem of selection of effective methods of teaching the Ukrainian language is substantiated in the article. Classifications of methods on various bases are characterized. Based on the analysis of the results, a conclusion is made about the need to streamline, modernize methods of teaching the Ukrainian language and develop the ways for their effective application in the context of competency-­based transformations in education. The tasks that face scientists have been identified. This is primarily the formation of teachers’ ideas about the methods of teaching the Ukrainian language on the basis of the methodology of competency-­based and personality-­oriented education; analysis and systematization of language teaching methods on the basis of a holistic approach to the existing classifications; determining the didactic potential of the main methods of teaching the Ukrainian language, characterizing their strengths and weaknesses; development of an algorithm of the conscious and reasonable choice of expedient methods; determination of conditions of effective application of methods, optimal combination and ratio to ensure the effective formation of the subject and key competencies; experimental confirmation of the effectiveness of the proposed methods. This encourages scientists to develop a terminological apparatus, optimal classification of methods, description of their essential characteristics, a list of techniques of a method, highlighting their advantages for distance learning, as well as for the formation of the subject and key competencies of students.


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