The Developmental Potential of Case-Study (Case-Technology) in the Formation of Key Competencies of Education Seekers: to the Methodological Toolkit of a Modern Textbook
Published 2023-02-06
- case technology,
- development potential,
- key competencies,
- textbook
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The article updates and reveals the development potential of case-technology (case-study) in students’ acquisition of key competencies defined by the development strategy of the NUS; the need to introduce it into the educational process, in particular in the development/modernization of the content of textbooks for general secondary schools as an integral tool, is substantiated: design of the educational and developmental environment and educational activities in a combination of theory and practice; development in conditions of emotional contagion and synergy of group form of work using interactive methods of teaching and education; formation of a complex of educational abilities and personal qualities of schoolchildren, demanded by the challenges of a complex social and educational situation, especially during the war and in post-war reconstruction – analytical, critical, creative and projective thinking, making balanced decisions, development of initiative, responsibility and communicative culture and others; taking into account the distance form of education and the organization of education for the future.
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