No. 29 (2022)

Individualization and Differentiation of Learning as a Means of Compensation for Educational Losses of Primary School Pupils

Olena Baranovska

Published 2023-02-06


  • textbook,
  • elementary school,
  • individualization of education,
  • differentiation of education,
  • group work,
  • educational losses of pupils
  • ...More

How to Cite

Baranovska О. . (2023). Individualization and Differentiation of Learning as a Means of Compensation for Educational Losses of Primary School Pupils. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (29), 14–23.


The article raises the problem of the possibilities of individualization and differentiation of education in the conditions of changes in the system of social relationships, the rules of behavior of pupils in the new realities of life. Emphasis is placed on the importance of new requirements for the education system: flexibility, adaptability, feedback, quick response to changes in the social environment, cooperation with psychological and medical institutions in related fields. The concept of “individualization of education” is analyzed, which is based on taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and creating potential opportunities in the educational process for their implementation. The results of research by scientists are presented, which showed that individualization is carried out in didactic and psychological directions, in particular, differentiation and individualization of education ensure the creative development of the pupil, taking into account his/her intellectual, emotional-volitional and action-practical spheres, physical and mental state. The author considered possible means of compensating for the educational losses of elementary school pupils: assessment of the level of key competencies, basic cross-cutting skills; implementation of the corrective program; identifying groups of pupils who need help within the class; individual additional classes with a teacher; psychological help. The possibilities of the group form of education, which includes joint planning, discussion and selection of methods of solving educational tasks, mutual assistance, cooperation, mutual control and mutual evaluation, are analyzed. The importance of determining a child’s individual educational trajectory and providing him/her with opportunities to develop his/her creative potential, which will allow him/her to work and study fruitfully throughout life, adapt to its realities and interact in society, is substantiated. It was concluded that the use of textbook questions and tasks can help to successfully organize group and pair work of elementary school pupils in unstable living conditions and with unequal access to distance learning.


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