No. 29 (2022)

Practical-Oriented Teaching of Geometry in Gymnasium

Victoria Voloshena

Published 2023-02-06


  • geometry,
  • method,
  • metasubject skills,
  • mathematical modeling,
  • practice-oriented tasks

How to Cite

Voloshena В. . (2023). Practical-Oriented Teaching of Geometry in Gymnasium. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (29), 32–42.


In the article, an attempt is made to reveal the problem of implementing the idea of practice-oriented teaching of geometry in the gymnasium under the conditions of implementation of the competency-based approach to education. The possibilities of achieving metasubject educational results by means of practice-oriented teaching of geometry are shown. It has been established that practice-oriented problems in geometry should be selected in a non-random way, there should be some kind of system, and it is better to allocate all this in a separate content line. This constructed line of practice-oriented problems in geometry is content-methodological. The methodological function of the line consists in the study of concepts and methods that combine the content of not only methodical, but also subject lines of the entire school mathematics course. The line of practice-oriented education combines content that cannot be called only mathematical. This is general information about the possible areas of use of geometry, knowledge about the essence of the process of establishing correspondence between real and mathematical objects, etc. The mathematical method that integrates this content is obviously the method of mathematical modeling. A connection is established between learning to solve practical problems in geometry and the method of mathematical modeling and achieving interdisciplinary educational results. The connection between educational actions performed at the stages of mathematization, formalization and interpretation of the mathematical modeling method and universal educational actions is emphasized. The principles of constructing a line of practice-oriented teaching of geometry at school are highlighted. Examples of problems are given. Thus, ways of solving the problems of developing methodical approaches to ensuring practice-oriented teaching of geometry in gymnasiums are outlined.


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