Analogy as a Research Method in the Textbooks on Civic and History Education (Integrated Course) for 5th Grade
Published 2023-02-06
- civic and historical branch of education,
- school textbook,
- method of analogies,
- research activity of students,
- research skills
- creativity ...More
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The article analyzes the possibilities of using analogy in the research activities of students on the materials of the textbooks «Researching History and Society (integrated course). 5th grade». The classification of analogy is provided and examples of analogies contained in textbooks are given, their place in research activity is determined depending on the type of analogy.
It was found that the method of analogy to perform various functions requires a number of research techniques. Analogy activates students' life and educational experience, develops logical thinking, contributes to the formation of a research hypothesis, the ability to compare and carry out the transfer of features from a well-known to a little-known/unknown for students research subject, performs a systematizing and generalizing function, establishes regularities, promotes students' creativity. Tools of analogy in students' research activities are questions and tasks, illustrative material, diagrams, tables, intersubject connections, etc. The stages of the use of analogy in the process of students' research activities are described. The results of the analysis of the textbooks are presented and the prospects for the systematic and systematic use of analogy are outlined.
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