No. 29 (2022)

Modern Textbook and Its Role in Blended Learning Conditions

Oleksandr Malykhin
Vira Rogova

Published 2023-02-06


  • blended learning,
  • blended form of educational process organization,
  • textbook,
  • electronic textbook,
  • educational hypertext,
  • digital learning tools
  • ...More

How to Cite

Malykhin О. ., & Rogova В. . (2023). Modern Textbook and Its Role in Blended Learning Conditions. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (29), 117–124.


In the modern conditions of functioning of the educational system, there is a need to ensure optimal integration of full-time and distance learning. Today, we can state the presence of blended, hybrid and hybrid-flexible forms of organizing the educational process, the predominant one among which is the blended form. It involves consecutive alternating full-time and distance learning: with this approach, students work in a virtual environment for a certain period, and then use a traditional (educational) environment. The reason for the widespread spread of blended learning in modern pedagogy is not only the existing objective external factors (unprovoked aggression of the russian federation, the Covid-19 pandemic), but also the compliance of this form of organization of the educational process with modern educational trends. The triad of competency-based, activity-based, and personally-oriented approaches can be effectively implemented in such blended learning models as the rotary model, the flexible model, the self-blending model, and the enriched virtual learning model. One of the most pressing issues of ensuring the maximum effectiveness of blended learning is the preparation of a modern textbook as one of its key elements. Optimal for ensuring the goals of training in these conditions is to supplement the printed (paper) textbook with its extended digital version, which implements the use of a wide range of opportunities for digital educational technologies. This version of the educational book implementation makes it possible to optimally integrate the advantages of full-time and distance learning: combining the possibilities of using classic printed educational texts and additional electronic materials in the educational process in order to maximize the effectiveness of the educational process.


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