Methodological Apparatus of the Textbook of the Ukrainian Language as a Prerequisite for the Implementation of a Competency-Based Approach to Language Education
Published 2023-02-06
- Ukrainian language textbook,
- methodological apparatus,
- competency-based approach,
- communicative competence,
- national minorities
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Rethinking learning goals and outcomes, the transformation of the content of the Ukrainian language course as a state language determine the change of methods and technologies of its mastery, as well as the emergence of modern textbooks that correspond to the updated paradigm of language education. Their feature is the orientation to the formation of key and subject competencies of students' readiness for active use of the Ukrainian language as an instrument of interethnic communication, a channel of communication and cognition in everyday life and learning, development of the cognitive activity of children, critical thinking, ability to self-control.
In the textbook, an important role belongs to the methodological apparatus – component accompanying / serving educational text, which is a tool for the mastering of educational material by schoolchildren, and determines and directs the activities of subjects of the learning process.
The author considers the methodological apparatus as a structural element, which for a student is a source of educational material and a tool for its assimilation, directs the cognitive activity of the student, and teaches to learn. For the teacher, the methodological apparatus of the textbook serves as a guide to the organization of the educational process, reveals to him/her the logic of teaching the Ukrainian language as a second (unrelated) language and at the same time forms pedagogical consciousness. Thus, the methodological apparatus of the textbook of the Ukrainian language organizes, regulates and directs the activities of students and teachers in the lesson.
The methodological apparatus of the textbook of the Ukrainian language for schools with education in the languages of national minorities includes:
- apparatus for the organization of assimilation, which includes tasks for exercises, questions, notes, samples of tasks and registration of records, instructions, algorithms for performing actions, tables, diagrams, references;
- the orientation apparatus, which includes the preface, the content of the textbook's educational material, heading, symbols, pointers, font and color highlights;
- illustrative material.
The publication considers the features of the components of the methodological apparatus and their potential in providing competency-oriented learning on the example of a Ukrainian language textbook for the 5th grade of Romanian-language schools.
In the process of analysis, the author proved that the methodological apparatus as an integral component of the educational publication is not only a tool for mastering knowledge, but also contributes to the formation of key and subject competencies of students.
All components of the textbook, including the methodological apparatus, are related and serve to achieve the main goal: the formation of a competent linguistic personality, which speaks the state language as a means of interethnic communication and successfully realizes itself in real communication.
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