No. 29 (2022)

Perspective View or Looking Forward to Development of School Economic Education in Ukraine

Olena Chasnikova
Andrii Dovhan

Published 2023-02-06


  • perspective view,
  • economic education,
  • New Ukrainian School,
  • model program,
  • entrepreneurship,
  • financial literacy
  • ...More

How to Cite

Chasnikova О. ., & Dovhan А. . (2023). Perspective View or Looking Forward to Development of School Economic Education in Ukraine. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (29), 208–217.


The perspective on prospective changes in school education in Ukraine in the context of the implementation of reforms of the New Ukrainian School is highlighted. The state policy of Ukraine is aimed at sustainable development, the provision of which begins, among other things, with the economic education of young people. The basis for determining the key vectors of economic development at school is the Concept of Economic Education in Gymnasiums and Lyceums of Ukraine. On the basis of the Concept, a modern complex of educational products is being developed, the content of which should correspond to the development trends of the world economy, to form personal motivation for the well-being and life success of education seekers. In connection with the implementation of the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education, certain issues related to economic education were updated. Since economic education is not directly represented as a phenomenon and a separate category in the list of educational fields, emphasis is placed on the development of the key competence of students "Entrepreneurship and financial literacy". All ten cross-cutting skills, which should be formed in students in the process of studying all integrated courses or subjects and are common to all competencies, also apply to economic education. In the current academic year, the implementation of model programs has begun. The new software of NUS as a whole is aimed at the development of economic education and creates prerequisites for students of grades 8-9 to master the course "Entrepreneurship and financial literacy". The author's course "Entrepreneurship and financial literacy" for students of grades 8-9 is aimed at the formation and development of personal qualities, complex management skills, entrepreneurial skills, financial literacy of students, etc. The meaningful content of the course is only a guideline for the teacher, since he/she him(-her)self makes the final choice of educational content for the formation and development of the determined competencies of students. In the process of developing educational and methodological support for economic courses, the experience of implementing such courses, which was gained before the beginning of the reform of the New Ukrainian School, should be taken into account.


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