No. 30 (2023)

A Method of Forming the Students’ Creative Technical Potential and Assessing the Level of Its Formation in the Process of Implementing the Content of Technological Education in Gymnasium

Anatolii Tarara
Inna Sushko

Published 2023-07-24


  • formation,
  • creative technical potential,
  • assessment,
  • level of formation,
  • content,
  • creative abilities,
  • technological education
  • ...More

How to Cite

Tarara А. ., & Sushko І. . (2023). A Method of Forming the Students’ Creative Technical Potential and Assessing the Level of Its Formation in the Process of Implementing the Content of Technological Education in Gymnasium. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (30), 186–202.


The article substantiates the importance of forming the students' creative technical potential in the process of implementing the content of technological education in the gymnasium. According to the results of the analysis of literary sources, the essence and structure of the creative potential of an individual have been determined as a set of creative abilities contributing to the creation of socially significant original products. For the first time, the concept of "creative technical potential of gymnasium students" was introduced, which is defined, accordingly, as a set of creative technical abilities formed in gymnasium students. According to the results of a long experiment, methodical work with teachers, etc. the most important creative technical abilities of students have been determined that provide them with effective creative activity in the field of engineering and technology: technical thinking, technical creative imagination, associative thinking (different types of associations, associative connections), etc. It has been proven that certain creative technical abilities can be successfully developed in students in the process of designing and constructing technical objects (products), and thus form their creative technical potential. For the first time, a method of forming the students' creative technical potential and assessing the level of its formation has been developed in the process of implementing the content of technological education in the gymnasium (two interrelated methods). At the same time, the essence of the formation process is the development of the students' creative technical abilities, which correspond to the components of the structure of the individual’s creative potential. The educational theoretical material necessary for the successful formation of the students' creative technical potential has been determined. For the first time, the importance of mastering technology teachers with knowledge of the basics of the psychology of creativity has been substantiated and the use of an integrative approach in the educational process of technology.


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