No. 31 (2023)

Activity Function of the Physics Textbook for Grade 7 of General Secondary Education Institutions

Tetiana Zasiekina
Dmytro Zasiekin

Published 2024-01-17


  • textbook,
  • activity function,
  • general secondary education,
  • teaching Physics

How to Cite

Zasiekina Т. ., & Zasiekin Д. . (2024). Activity Function of the Physics Textbook for Grade 7 of General Secondary Education Institutions. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (31), 109–116.


The article examines the transformations that textbooks have undergone their causes and consequences. The textbook in pedagogical science and practice is considered from two positions: as a textbook in which the content of a particular academic subject is implemented and as a learning tool that determines the teaching methodology due to its functions. Changes and updates in education are reflected in a certain way in teaching methods, and therefore in the transformation of textbook functions. At the same time, a number of functions remain invariant, which define the educational publication as a textbook. Variable functions arise and are transformed due to changes in education. We have identified and substantiated the main approaches to the design and development of the activity function of the physics textbook in the context of the implementation of the state policy in the field of reforming general secondary education i. e. “New Ukrainian School” and taking into account the formation of natural science literacy of students, which is checked by the international research PISA. The activity function of the Physics textbook for the 7th grade of general secondary education institutions is implemented through: a system of tasks, a new structure of the textbook; filling paragraphs with questions and conclusions of heroes-real students who participated in the testing of the textbook; modification of the number and quality of paragraphs that are designed to gain knowledge and skills by performing real experiments, searching for answers to problematic questions, active reading and working with illustrative material. The article presents the results of a study of the effectiveness of the activity function of a Physics textbook for the 7th grade.


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