Published 2024-12-31
- speech situation,
- speech activity,
- competence-oriented training
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Copyright (c) 2024 Михайло Яковчук
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The article substantiates the methodological principles of producing speech situations in the process of competence-based teaching of German to 7-8 grade students. The content of speech situations as a means of forming competencies in accordance with the topics of communication of 7th grade students and the content of model curricula is determined. It has been found that speech situations are able to ensure that students master not only thematic language material within the proposed situational tasks, but also contribute to the acquisition of mechanisms of speech interaction and features of appropriate communicative behavior when generating speech utterances in accordance with the content of competencies, the formation of which is aimed at the educational activity. The methodological functions of speech situations as important means of forming intercultural foreign language communicative competence are outlined and characterized. The technology of competence-based teaching of foreign language communication to students of general secondary education institutions by means of speech situations is defined and substantiated, the stages are outlined and a system of communicative actions to be performed by students in the process of its implementation is proposed. The main concepts of the study have been tested by the author in her own pedagogical activity.
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