No. 33 (2024)


Daryna Vasylieva
Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine

Published 2024-12-31


  • teaching mathematics,
  • axiological potential,
  • values,
  • cross-cutting competencies,
  • health competence,
  • percentages,
  • healthy lifestyle
  • ...More

How to Cite

Vasylieva Д. (2024). FORMATION OF HEALTH-PRESERVING COMPETENCE THROUGH MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (33), 48–56.


The article shows that in the process of teaching mathematics, it is possible to promote the formation of not only subject competencies, but also key competencies, in particular, health competencies. The article considers mathematical problems on the topic of “Percentages” that can be offered to students to help them form the value of a healthy lifestyle. The influence of these tasks on the formation of students’ ideas about a healthy lifestyle is analyzed.

The article presents data from a survey of students and teachers. It is found that in the process of solving specially selected mathematical problems, conditions are created for students to become interested in facts about a healthy lifestyle, which further influences the formation of appropriate values and changes in behavioral patterns. Incorporating such activities into the educational process affects students’ attitudes toward mathematics, the atmosphere in the classroom, and has a certain impact on teachers and parents. 

It is shown through the example of one topic that mathematics has a significant axiological potential.


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