Published 2024-12-31
- general secondary education,
- social and civic skills,
- values of democracy,
- active democratic citizenship,
- pedagogy of participation
- civic education teacher,
- national identity,
- European identity ...More
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It has been stated that the development of school citizenship education in European countries is ongoing. It was revealed that the formation of сitizenship education is largely influenced by the development of ideas of democracy and democratic transformations, as well as the redefinition of the essence of citizenship. Furthermore, an appropriate periodization has been developed. It was determined that the main drawback of school European сitizenship education is the lack of a systematic approach in its organization, thus: it is mostly not implemented as a continuous one; the necessary motivation to study citizenship education is not carried out, it is not perceived as an important educational subject in all countries, despite the fact that it is decisive in the formation of сitizenship and social skills, comprehensive skills such as active citizenship, etc.; its content often focuses on formal knowledge about the institutions of power without due attention to the values of democracy; the practical component of сitizenship education needs strengthening; teaching сitizenship education in the format of optional subjects, integrated or interdisciplinary approach does not provide an opportunity to directly assess сitizenship knowledge, skills and attitudes; full-fledged special training of сitizenship education teachers is not provided; formal сitizenship education is implemented separately from informal and informal сitizenship education. It has been established that the trends in the formation of school European сitizenship education are: the list of countries in which civic education is introduced as a separate compulsory subject and the amount of hours for its study is gradually expanding; the content of citizenship education is revised with emphasis on the values of democracy and tolerance, European history and culture, various aspects of the functioning of the EU; the practical component of сitizenship education is strengthened through participatory pedagogy; teacher specialization in сitizenship civic education is being introduced.
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