Published 2024-12-31
- integration,
- text,
- reading,
- textbook,
- foreign literature
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Copyright (c) 2024 Валентина Снєгірьова
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The article reveals the main aspects of the integrated approach in the study of foreign literature in the 7th grade of the lyceum from the standpoint of the implementation of the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education (2020). A collective authorship model of reading, perception and interpretation of the literary text, based on the integration of content and teaching methods, is presented. It aims to help students master the techniques of analytical and creative activity, while developing cross-curricular skills and key competencies.
In the conditions of the modern subject-based education system, which provides a didactically purposeful selection and processing of scientific facts, as well as the rapid development of integration processes across various spheres of activity, a well-thought-out, coordinated use of interdisciplinary connections and integration in education is essential.
Integration in the textbook involves a special approach to structuring and presenting the content, achieved through clear educational strategies, a system of tasks, and a focus on creating a comfortable educational environment. At the same time, it is important not only to attract information from various fields of knowledge, but also to form a methodical component of the educational process, combining the conceptual ideas of modern educational documents. Content of the subject "Foreign literature. Grades 7– 9” according to the model program (Sniehirova et al., 2023) is integrated and structured by thematic-genre (7th grade), a combination of historical-chronological and problem-thematic principles (8th – 9th grade). This creates new conditions for the activities of participants in the educational process, providing opportunities for its optimization, stimulating students' thinking, avoiding repetition of educational information, and helping students' master universal educational actions.
The artistic text is considered in the textbook as a cultural artifact containing information from various fields of knowledge, such as history, geography, biology, astronomy, mathematics, etc. Extensive study of this background knowledge contributes to a deeper integration of the cognitive and value content of artistic texts. Such work is important at all stages of the educational process.
The active aspect of integration is implemented in the textbook by combining the tasks of analyzing the literary text (for emotional perception, immersion, reflection on the text read or listened to) with communicative tasks (analysis and modeling of communication situations, role-playing reading, etc.), linguistic tasks (elaboration of elements of the original and translation), interdisciplinary tasks (for the formation of key competencies), games, etc.
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