No. 33 (2024)

SELF-ASSESSMENT AND PEER-ASSESSMENT IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES: Within the scope of the research topic "Technology of creating an educational foreign language communicative environment in the process of learning foreign languages for students of grades 7-9 of gymnasium"

Igor Goroshkin
Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine

Published 2024-12-31


  • evaluation,
  • formative evaluation,
  • self-evaluation,
  • mutual evaluation,
  • students,
  • foreign language acquisition
  • ...More

How to Cite

Goroshkin І. . (2024). SELF-ASSESSMENT AND PEER-ASSESSMENT IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES: Within the scope of the research topic "Technology of creating an educational foreign language communicative environment in the process of learning foreign languages for students of grades 7-9 of gymnasium". Problems of the Modern Textbook, (33), 86–94.


The article deals with the problem of evaluating the educational achievements of gymnasium students in foreign language lessons. Based on the analysis of the literature, the conclusions were drawn: the increased attention of scientists and practitioners to the problem of evaluating the results of educational activities caused the introduction of the New Ukrainian School educational reform, which approved changes in the content and teaching methods; more attention is paid to self-assessment and mutual assessment in elementary school, while in grades 5-9 there are many questions and discussions about assessment; scientists mostly consider self-evaluation and mutual evaluation as an effective tool for increasing the activity of students, forming in them responsibility for their own results. In addition, it was established that much more attention is paid to the problem of self-evaluation than to mutual evaluation, which is on the periphery of research searches.

The semantic content of the concepts of self-evaluation and mutual evaluation has been clarified. Self-evaluation is defined as the process of formation of the motivational sphere of the individual since the student is able to evaluate themselves, compare their results with the results of others, and see their strengths and weaknesses. This process helps answer the questions: "What do I know and can do today? Are these knowledge and skills sufficient for me?" Peer assessment is interpreted as a method of evaluating educational achievements aimed at checking, analyzing and assessing the work of classmates according to certain criteria, which involves dialogic interaction and mandatory feedback.

The organization of self-assessment and mutual assessment in foreign language lessons in grades 7-9 is characterized.

It is emphasized that the systematic introduction of self-assessment and mutual assessment in foreign language lessons forms students' attention, independence, self-control skills, and a sense of responsibility.


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