No. 28 (2022)

Methods of implementing the content of technological education in the gymnasium

Anatolii Tarara

Published 2022-07-20


  • technological education,
  • content,
  • methods of content realization,
  • basic concepts,
  • creativity,
  • design,
  • construction
  • ...More

How to Cite

Tarara А. (2022). Methods of implementing the content of technological education in the gymnasium. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (28), 177–190.


The article highlights the features of developing methods for implementing the content of technological education in the gymnasium. A method of forming students’ basic concepts of technological education, theory and practice of technical creativity of students: “creativity”, “creative activity”, “stages of creative activity”, “project”, “design”, “design”, “sketch”. The article defines the content of technological education in the gymnasium, which is important for the formation of project-­technological competence, the development of creative technical abilities of students. The most expedient set of stages of the creation of products by students of the gymnasium and the most effective maintenance of their activity at stages of designing and construction of a product have been offered. These stages are defined as two, independent of each other, processes that contain specific, unique creative actions and operations of students. It is emphasized that there is no clear, pronounced “boundary” (transition) between them.


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