No. 19 (2017)


Y. Melnyk

Published 2017-12-30


  • competency-based orientation,
  • key and subject competence,
  • physics textbook,
  • methodical apparatus

How to Cite

Melnyk Ю. С. . (2017). FEATURES OF METHODICAL APPARATUS OF THE COMPETENCE-ORIENTED PHYSICS TEXTBOOK. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (19), 184–191. Retrieved from


The essence of the competence approach in education is revealed in the article. The structure and features of the of methodical apparatus competence based physics textbook are substantiated. A modern textbook should provide the ability of the person to perform educational activities as a component of the social experience by learning the physical and universal methodological knowledge, implementation, heuristic and research activities, emotional value and social adaptation attitude for knowledge of the world. A textbook should provide competency focused tasks and exercises on the basis of which the key and subject competences of students are formed in order to form the readiness to independently apply the acquired knowledge. Differentiated written exercises are submitted progressively harder and indicating the level of their complexity. Didactically reasonable system of exercises, aimed at practicing the skills for solving vital tasks and formation of readiness to act with an understanding of the physical picture of the world contributes to the formation of such a domain model in the semantic space of the subject of study that more closely reflects the existing relationships between the material objects of the physical reality and allows to solve practical tasks of different level of complexity. It is desirable to use of ICT tools in the educational process, to provide the study of individual sections using computer technology when creating textbooks. The textbook should illustrate methodologically appropriate diagrams, drawings and other graphic material aimed at the disclosure of the content of the basic material, its addition and specification. Illustrative material can be self-informative activity, reinforcing the emotional impact of the textbook and to increase efficiency of perception and assimilation of educational material.


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