No. 29 (2022)

Didactic Functions of a Modern Astronomy Textbook for Distance Learning

Mykola Holovko
Ivan Kriachko

Published 2023-02-06


  • didactic functions of the textbook,
  • distance learning,
  • textbook of astronomy,
  • instant tutorial,
  • open information system,
  • educational environment
  • ...More

How to Cite

Holovko М. ., & Kriachko І. . (2023). Didactic Functions of a Modern Astronomy Textbook for Distance Learning. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (29), 43–51.


The article analyzes the didactic functions of the modern astronomy textbook and identifies the features of their transformation in the conditions of the introduction of distance learning. Attention is focused on the fact that changing the functions of the textbook under this form of implementation of the educational process implies a deep focus on the individual work of the student and his/her self-study.
It was concluded that the system of didactic functions of the school textbook is open, dynamic and constantly developing, and its creative element is the function of individualization of learning, which ensures the implementation of personality-oriented education. 
It is emphasized that one of the ways to improve the mechanisms for implementing the functions of the astronomy textbook is to create a didactic set based on the principles of differentiation and integration, the core of which is the textbook. Attention is focused on the importance of developing means of information and communication support for the textbook (digital applications, specialized electronic support systems, QR code technology, active links).
The prospects of creating a textbook as an educational product that maximally satisfies the educational needs of each individual student at a certain stage of the educational process and his/her personal development are outlined. Such a textbook functions as an open information system, multifunctional and individualized, taking into account not only the general didactic goals, but also the cognitive preferences, abilities, and internal motivation of students.


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