No. 29 (2022)

Didactic Features of the Formation of the Educational Competence of Students in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Educational Environment of the General Secondary Education Institution During the State of Martial

Svitlana Trubacheva
Oksana Mushka
Yuliia Lulkova

Published 2023-02-06


  • educational competencies,
  • educational technology,
  • electronic educational resources

How to Cite

Trubacheva С., Mushka О., & Lulkova . Ю. (2023). Didactic Features of the Formation of the Educational Competence of Students in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Educational Environment of the General Secondary Education Institution During the State of Martial. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (29), 202–207.


The article is devoted to the problem of formation of educational competencies of students by means of educational technology of independent acquisition of knowledge. The main didactic principles of forming the educational competence of students in the conditions of digitization of the educational environment of the general secondary education institution during the martial law are substantiated and presented. They include: the principle of interrelated formation of educational and subject competencies; the principle of systematicity and phasing of formation of educational competence; the principle of using different forms of education: mixed, distance learning and in-class; principle of priority of application of extracurricular forms of independent work; the principle of designing the results obtained by students in the form of a digital presentation with the aim of summarizing, systematizing and visualizing them. The article highlights the peculiarities of the implementation of educational technology in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment of general secondary education institutions, presents the main stages of this technology: preparatory, organizational, independent work stage, final stage. Attention is focused on the importance of using digital educational resources and interactive digital educational platforms.


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