No. 33 (2024)


Nina Holub
Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine
Olena Goroshkina
Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine

Published 2024-12-31


  • Ukrainian language textbook,
  • research activity,
  • research tasks,
  • students

How to Cite

Holub Н. ., & Goroshkina О. . (2024). THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK AS A TOOL FOR ACTIVATING STUDENTS’ RESEARCH ACTIVITY. Problems of the Modern Textbook, (33), 77–85.


The article characterizes the Ukrainian language textbook as a tool for activating students' research activity. In particular, the method of surveying teachers from different regions of Ukraine identified problematic aspects of the organization of research work in Ukrainian language classes. It is substantiated that the textbook is a powerful means of activating the research activity of students. This textbook is the main teaching tool. This makes it possible to develop a methodically appropriate system of exercises and tasks, taking into account the age characteristics of students, ensuring the achievement of expected results and encouraging them to research.

The study of psychological studies gave grounds for the conclusion that it is advisable to involve students in research elements from the 5th grade, gradually making the task more difficult, using interdisciplinary connections.

It is emphasized that research activity in Ukrainian language classes enables the involvement of students in discovery by using a number of tasks that involve certain procedures, in particular identifying a problem, clarifying information with the help of questions, formulating assumptions, planning educational activities, searching for information (accumulation facts), analysis and synthesis of collected information, hypothesis testing, formulation of conclusions, presentation of results, reflection.

The theoretical concepts are illustrated with examples from the pages of the author’s textbooks, demonstrating the systematic and dynamic activation of student research activity through the author’s methods, which have been tested in several general secondary education institutions in Ukraine. As a result, the problems of future scientific research, promising and important for Ukrainian language didactics, are outlined.


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